Sudarshan Vasudevan
Sudarshan Vasudevan
Потвърден имейл адрес: linkedin.com
On neighbor discovery in wireless networks with directional antennas
S Vasudevan, J Kurose, D Towsley
Proceedings IEEE 24th Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and …, 2005
Design and analysis of a leader election algorithm for mobile ad hoc networks
S Vasudevan, J Kurose, D Towsley
Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols …, 2004
Facilitating access point selection in IEEE 802.11 wireless networks
S Vasudevan, K Papagiannaki, C Diot, J Kurose, D Towsley
Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGCOMM Conference on Internet Measurement, 26-26, 2005
Neighbor discovery in wireless networks and the coupon collector's problem
S Vasudevan, D Towsley, D Goeckel, R Khalili
Proceedings of the 15th annual international conference on Mobile computing …, 2009
Secure group communications for wireless networks
B DeCleene, L Dondeti, S Griffin, T Hardjono, D Kiwior, J Kurose, ...
2001 MILCOM Proceedings Communications for Network-Centric Operations …, 2001
Leader election algorithms for wireless ad hoc networks
S Vasudevan, B DeCleene, N Immerman, J Kurose, D Towsley
Proceedings DARPA Information Survivability Conference and Exposition 1, 261-272, 2003
Artificial noise generation from cooperative relays for everlasting secrecy in two-hop wireless networks
D Goeckel, S Vasudevan, D Towsley, S Adams, Z Ding, K Leung
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 29 (10), 2067-2076, 2011
Efficient algorithms for neighbor discovery in wireless networks
S Vasudevan, M Adler, D Goeckel, D Towsley
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 21 (1), 69-83, 2013
Security-capacity trade-off in large wireless networks using keyless secrecy
S Vasudevan, D Goeckel, DF Towsley
Proceedings of the eleventh ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc …, 2010
Neighbor discovery in wireless networks with multipacket reception
W Zeng, S Vasudevan, X Chen, B Wang, A Russell, W Wei
Proceedings of the Twelfth ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc …, 2011
Multi-user diversity for secrecy in wireless networks
S Vasudevan, S Adams, D Goeckel, Z Ding, D Towsley, K Leung
2010 Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA), 1-9, 2010
Analysis of adaptive algorithms for digital beamforming in smart antennas
AS Prasad, S Vasudevan, R Selvalakshmi, KS Ram, G Subhashini, ...
2011 International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology …, 2011
Asynchronous neighbor discovery on duty-cycled mobile devices: Integer and non-integer schedules
S Chen, A Russell, R Jin, Y Qin, B Wang, S Vasudevan
Proceedings of the 16th ACM international symposium on mobile ad hoc …, 2015
Perioperative complications of esophageal atresia
F Morini, A Conforti, P Bagolan
European Journal of Pediatric Surgery 28 (02), 133-140, 2018
Optimal Power Allocation in Wireless Networks with Transmitter-Receiver Power Tradeoffs.
S Vasudevan, C Zhang, D Goeckel, DF Towsley
Witness-based detection of forwarding misbehaviors in wireless networks
S Yang, S Vasudevan, J Kurose
2010 Fifth IEEE Workshop on Wireless Mesh Networks, 1-6, 2010
Asynchronous neighbor discovery on duty-cycled mobile devices: Models and schedules
S Chen, R Morillo, Y Qin, A Russell, R Jin, B Wang, S Vasudevan
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 19 (8), 5204-5217, 2020
Optimal power allocation in channel-coded wireless networks
S Vasudevan, D Goeckel, D Towsley
Proceedings of Forty Second Annual Allerton Conference on Communication …, 2004
Secure leader election in wireless ad hoc networks
S Vasudevan, B DeCleene, J Kurose, D Towsley
UMass Computer Science Technical Report 01–50, 2001
A leader election algorithm for mobile ad hoc networks
S Vasudevan, N Immerman, J Kurose, D Towsley
UMass Comp. Sci. Tech. Rep, 2003
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