Ryusuke Fujisawa
Cited by
Cited by
Designing pheromone communication in swarm robotics: Group foraging behavior mediated by chemical substance
R Fujisawa, S Dobata, K Sugawara, F Matsuno
Swarm Intelligence 8, 227-246, 2014
Communication using pheromone field for multiple robots
R Fujisawa, H Imamura, T Hashimoto, F Matsuno
2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2008
Deep learning-assisted comparative analysis of animal trajectories with DeepHL
T Maekawa, K Ohara, Y Zhang, M Fukutomi, S Matsumoto, K Matsumura, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 5316, 2020
Dependency by concentration of pheromone trail for multiple robots
R Fujisawa, S Dobata, D Kubota, H Imamura, F Matsuno
Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence: 6th International Conference …, 2008
Anomalous diffusion on the servosphere: A potential tool for detecting inherent organismal movement patterns
N Nagaya, N Mizumoto, MS Abe, S Dobata, R Sato, R Fujisawa
PloS one 12 (6), e0177480, 2017
Cooperative transportation by swarm robots using pheromone communication
R Fujisawa, H Imamura, F Matsuno
Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems: The 10th International Symposium …, 2013
Lévy walk enhances efficiency of group foraging in pheromone-communicating swarm robots
R Fujisawa, S Dobata
Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System …, 2013
Active modification of the environment by a robot with construction abilities
R Fujisawa, N Nagaya, S Okazaki, R Sato, Y Ikemoto, S Dobata
ROBOMECH Journal 2, 1-11, 2015
Arousal from tonic immobility by vibration stimulus
T Miyatake, K Matsumura, R Kitayama, K Otsuki, J Yuhao, R Fujisawa, ...
Behavior Genetics 49, 478-483, 2019
Anomaly Detection Using Support Vector Machines for Time Series Data
U Yokkampon, S Chumkamon, A Mowshowitz, R Fujisawa, E Hayashi
Journal of robotics networking and artificial life, 2021
Development and Operation Of Wire Movement Type Bridge Inspection Robot System ARANEUS
K Nakata, K Umemoto, K Kaneko, F Ryusuke
Proceedings of International Symposium on Applied Science 3, 168-174, 2020
Effectiveness of tuning of pheromone trail lifetime in attraction of robot swarm
R Fujisawa, Y Shimizu, F Matsuno
2011 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII), 702-707, 2011
藤澤隆介, 今村光, 橋本敬, 松野文俊
情報処理学会論文誌, 2009
Development of a behavioral trajectory measurement system (Bucket-ANTAM) for organisms moving in a two-dimensional plane
K Shirai, K Shimamura, A Koubara, S Shigaki, R Fujisawa
Artificial Life and Robotics 27 (4), 698-705, 2022
Ant foragers might present variation and universal property in their movements
T Sakiyama, N Nagaya, R Fujisawa
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 207, 429-435, 2021
Arousal from death feigning by vibrational stimuli: comparison of Tribolium species
R Ishihara, K Matsumura, JE Jones, J Yuhao, R Fujisawa, N Nagaya, ...
Journal of Ethology 39, 107-113, 2021
Development, bridge inspection and operation of ARANEUS-winch wiring robot system
R Fujisawa, K Umemoto, M Tanaka, N Sato, N Nagaya, M Katsuyama
Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Series F4 Construction …, 2017
Development of multi-robots communicating by pheromone trail
R Fujisawa, H Imamura, T Hashimoto, F Matsuno
IPSJ Transactions on Mathematical Modeling and its Applications 2 (2), 81-90, 2009
Designing pheromone communication in swarm robotics: group foraging behavior mediated by chemical substance. Swarm Intell. 8 (3), 227–246 (2014)
R Fujisawa, S Dobata, K Sugawara, F Matsuno
Collision-induced “priority rule” governs efficiency of pheromone-communicating swarm robots
R Fujisawa, S Dobata, Y Sasaki, R Takisawa, F Matsuno
Swarm Intelligence: 8th International Conference, ANTS 2012, Brussels …, 2012
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Articles 1–20