Ruslan Z. Valiev / Руслан Зуфарович Валиев
Ruslan Z. Valiev / Руслан Зуфарович Валиев
СПбГУ; Saint Petersburg State University
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Cited by
Bulk nanostructured materials from severe plastic deformation
RZ Valiev, RK Islamgaliev, IV Alexandrov
Progress in materials science 45 (2), 103-189, 2000
Principles of equal-channel angular pressing as a processing tool for grain refinement
RZ Valiev, TG Langdon
Progress in materials science 51 (7), 881-981, 2006
Producing bulk ultrafine-grained materials by severe plastic deformation
RZ Valiev, Y Estrin, Z Horita, TG Langdon, MJ Zechetbauer, YT Zhu
Jom 58, 33-39, 2006
Nanostructuring of metals by severe plastic deformation for advanced properties
R Valiev
Nature materials 3 (8), 511-516, 2004
Наноструктурные материалы, полученные интенсивной пластической деформацией
РЗ Валиев, ИВ Александров
Логос 272, 2000
Structure and properties of ultrafine-grained materials produced by severe plastic deformation
RZ Valiev, AV Korznikov, RR Mulyukov
Materials Science and Engineering: A 168 (2), 141-148, 1993
Paradox of strength and ductility in metals processed bysevere plastic deformation
RZ Valiev, IV Alexandrov, YT Zhu, TC Lowe
Journal of Materials research 17 (1), 5-8, 2002
Low-temperature superplasticity in nanostructured nickel and metal alloys
SX McFadden, RS Mishra, RZ Valiev, AP Zhilyaev, AK Mukherjee
Nature 398 (6729), 684-686, 1999
Plastic deformation of alloys with submicron-grained structure
RZ Valiev, NA Krasilnikov, NK Tsenev
Materials Science and Engineering: A 137, 35-40, 1991
Biomedical applications of titanium and its alloys
CN Elias, JHC Lima, R Valiev, MA Meyers
Jom 60, 46-49, 2008
Microstructures and mechanical properties of ultrafine grained 7075 Al alloy processed by ECAP and their evolutions during annealing
YH Zhao, XZ Liao, Z Jin, RZ Valiev, YT Zhu
Acta Materialia 52 (15), 4589-4599, 2004
Объемные наноструктурные металлические материалы
РЗ Валиев, ИВ Александров
Академкнига, 2007
Review on superior strength and enhanced ductility of metallic nanomaterials
IA Ovid'Ko, RZ Valiev, YT Zhu
Progress in materials science 94, 462-540, 2018
Structure and deformaton behaviour of Armco iron subjected to severe plastic deformation
RZ Valiev, YV Ivanisenko, EF Rauch, B Baudelet
Acta Materialia 44 (12), 4705-4712, 1996
Deformation behaviour of ultra-fine-grained copper
RZ Valiev, EV Kozlov, YF Ivanov, J Lian, AA Nazarov, B Baudelet
Acta metallurgica et materialia 42 (7), 2467-2475, 1994
Bulk nanostructured materials: fundamentals and applications
RZ Valiev, AP Zhilyaev, TG Langdon
John Wiley & Sons, 2013
Nanostructured aluminium alloys produced by severe plastic deformation: New horizons in development
I Sabirov, MY Murashkin, RZ Valiev
Materials science and engineering: A 560, 1-24, 2013
Nanostructural hierarchy increases the strength of aluminium alloys
PV Liddicoat, XZ Liao, Y Zhao, Y Zhu, MY Murashkin, EJ Lavernia, ...
Nature communications 1 (1), 63, 2010
Influence of ECAP routes on the microstructure and properties of pure Ti
VV Stolyarov, YT Zhu, IV Alexandrov, TC Lowe, RZ Valiev
Materials Science and Engineering: A 299 (1-2), 59-67, 2001
Continuous processing of ultrafine grained Al by ECAP–Conform
GJ Raab, RZ Valiev, TC Lowe, YT Zhu
Materials Science and Engineering: A 382 (1-2), 30-34, 2004
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Articles 1–20