Titas Chanda
Cold atoms meet lattice gauge theory
M Aidelsburger, L Barbiero, A Bermudez, T Chanda, A Dauphin, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 380 (2216), 20210064, 2022
Enhancement in the performance of a quantum battery by ordered and disordered interactions
S Ghosh, T Chanda, A Sen
Physical Review A 101 (3), 032115, 2020
Fast charging of a quantum battery assisted by noise
S Ghosh, T Chanda, S Mal, A Sen
Physical Review A 104 (3), 032207, 2021
Confinement and lack of thermalization after quenches in the bosonic Schwinger model
T Chanda, J Zakrzewski, M Lewenstein, L Tagliacozzo
Physical Review Letters 124 (18), 180602, 2020
Delineating incoherent non-Markovian dynamics using quantum coherence
T Chanda, S Bhattacharya
Annals of Physics 366, 1-12, 2016
Time dynamics with matrix product states: Many-body localization transition of large systems revisited
T Chanda, P Sierant, J Zakrzewski
Physical Review B 101 (3), 035148, 2020
The separability versus entanglement problem
S Das, T Chanda, M Lewenstein, A Sanpera, A Sen De, U Sen
Quantum Information: From Foundations to Quantum Technology Applications …, 2016
Quantifying nonstabilizerness through entanglement spectrum flatness
E Tirrito, PS Tarabunga, G Lami, T Chanda, L Leone, SFE Oliviero, ...
Physical Review A 109 (4), L040401, 2024
Many-body localization transition in large quantum spin chains: The mobility edge
T Chanda, P Sierant, J Zakrzewski
Physical Review Research 2 (3), 032045, 2020
Many-Body Magic Via Pauli-Markov Chains—From Criticality to Gauge Theories
PS Tarabunga, E Tirrito, T Chanda, M Dalmonte
PRX Quantum 4 (4), 040317, 2023
Freezing of quantum correlations under local decoherence
T Chanda, AK Pal, A Biswas, A Sen De, U Sen
Physical Review A 91 (6), 062119, 2015
Coexistence of localized and extended phases: Many-body localization in a harmonic trap
T Chanda, R Yao, J Zakrzewski
Physical Review Research 2 (3), 032039, 2020
Finite-size scaling analysis of the many-body localization transition in quasiperiodic spin chains
AS Aramthottil, T Chanda, P Sierant, J Zakrzewski
Physical Review B 104 (21), 214201, 2021
Many-body localization in tilted and harmonic potentials
R Yao, T Chanda, J Zakrzewski
Physical Review B 104 (1), 014201, 2021
Self-organized topological insulator due to cavity-mediated correlated tunneling
T Chanda, R Kraus, G Morigi, J Zakrzewski
Quantum 5, 501, 2021
Nonergodic dynamics in disorder-free potentials
R Yao, T Chanda, J Zakrzewski
Annals of Physics 435, 168540, 2021
Nonadiabatic dynamics across a first-order quantum phase transition: Quantized bubble nucleation
A Sinha, T Chanda, J Dziarmaga
Physical Review B 103 (22), L220302, 2021
Multipartite entanglement at dynamical quantum phase transitions with nonuniformly spaced criticalities
S Haldar, S Roy, T Chanda, A Sen, U Sen
Physical Review B 101 (22), 224304, 2020
First-order photon condensation in magnetic cavities: A two-leg ladder model
Z Bacciconi, GM Andolina, T Chanda, G Chiriacò, M Schirò, M Dalmonte
SciPost Physics 15 (3), 113, 2023
Scale-invariant freezing of entanglement
T Chanda, T Das, D Sadhukhan, AK Pal, A Sen De, U Sen
Physical Review A 97 (6), 062324, 2018
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