Gal Oestreicher-Singer
Gal Oestreicher-Singer
The Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University
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Content or Community? A Digital Business Strategy for Content Providers in the Social Age
G Oestreicher-Singer, L Zalmanson
MIS Quarterly 37 (2), 591-616, 2013
Recommendation networks and the long tail of electronic commerce
G Oestreicher-Singer, A Sundararajan
MIS Quarterly 36 (1), 65-83, 2012
The visible hand of peer networks in electronic markets
G Oestreicher-Singer, A Sundararajan
Management Science 58 (11), 1963-1981, 2012
Research Commentary—Information in Digital, Economic, and Social Networks
A Sundararajan, F Provost, G Oestreicher-Singer, S Aral
Information Systems Research 24 (4), 883-905, 2013
The Quest for Content: How User-Generated Links Can Facilitate Online Exploration
J Goldenberg, G Oestreicher-Singer, S Reichman
Journal of Marketing Research 49 (4), 452-468, 2012
Using Forum and Search Data for Sales Prediction of High-Involvement Projects
T Geva, G Oestreicher-Singer, N Efron, Y Shimshoni
MIS Quarterly 41 (1), 65-82, 2017
The network value of products
G Oestreicher-Singer, B Libai, L Sivan, E Carmi, O Yassin
Journal of Marketing 77 (3), 1-14, 2013
Prediction in economic networks
V Dhar, T Geva, G Oestreicher-Singer, A Sundararajan
Information Systems Research 25 (2), 264-284, 2014
Using retweets when shaping our online persona: Topic modeling approach
H Geva, G Oestreicher-Singer, M Saar-Tsechansky
MIS Quarterly 43 (2), 501-524, 2019
Is Oprah contagious? The depth of diffusion of demand shocks in a product network
E Carmi, G Oestreicher-Singer, U Stettner, A Sundararajan
MIS Quarterly 41 (1), 207-222, 2017
The Potato Salad Effect: The Impact of Competition Intensity on Outcomes in Crowdfunding Platforms
H Geva, O Barzilay, G Oestreicher-Singer
MIS Quarterly 43, 1227-1248, 2019
Are digital rights valuable? Theory and evidence from ebook pricing
G Oestreicher-Singer, A Sundararajan
CeDER Working Paper, 2010
The Role of Social Cues and Trust in Users' Private Information Disclosure.
L Zalmanson, G Oestreicher-Singer, Y Ecker
MIS Q. 46 (2), 1109-1134, 2022
Paying for content or paying for community?
G Oestreicher-Singer, L Zalmanson
The Effect of Social Involvement on Subscribing to Media Web Sites.". ICIS …, 2009
'Please Rate Your Experience'-The Effect of Calls to Action on Website User Conversion
L Zalmanson, G Oestreicher-Singer, D Perez
Available at SSRN 3044779, 2017
Turning content viewers into subscribers
L Zalmanson, G Oestreicher-Singer
MIT Sloan Management Review 57 (3), 11, 2016
Linking network structure to ecommerce demand: theory and evidence from amazon. com's copurchase network
G Oestreicher-Singer, A Sundararajan
Com's Copurchase Network (August 15, 2006). TPRC, 2006
The impact of Large Language Models on open-source software innovation: Evidence from GitHub Copilot
D Yeverechyahu, R Mayya, G Oestreicher-Singer
http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4684662, 2024
Equal opportunity for all? The long tail of crowdfunding: Evidence from kickstarter
H Geva, O Barzilay, A Goldstein, G Oestreicher-Singer
The Long Tail of Crowdfunding: Evidence From Kickstarter (November 3, 2023 …, 2023
Are we there yet? Analyzing progress in the conversion funnel using the diversity of searched products
A Goldstein, G Oestreicher-Singer, O Barzilay, I Yahav
Analyzing Progress in the Conversion Funnel Using the Diversity of Searched …, 2020
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