Youngser Park
Youngser Park
Research Scientist, Johns Hopkins University
Потвърден имейл адрес: jhu.edu
The complete connectome of a learning and memory centre in an insect brain
K Eichler, F Li, A Litwin-Kumar, Y Park, I Andrade, CM Schneider-Mizell, ...
Nature 548 (7666), 175-182, 2017
Scan statistics on enron graphs
CE Priebe, JM Conroy, DJ Marchette, Y Park
Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory 11, 229-247, 2005
Statistical inference on random dot product graphs: a survey
A Athreya, DE Fishkind, M Tang, CE Priebe, Y Park, JT Vogelstein, ...
Journal of Machine Learning Research 18 (226), 1-92, 2018
Discovery of brainwide neural-behavioral maps via multiscale unsupervised structure learning
JT Vogelstein, Y Park, T Ohyama, RA Kerr, JW Truman, CE Priebe, ...
Science 344 (6182), 386-392, 2014
The connectome of an insect brain
M Winding, BD Pedigo, CL Barnes, HG Patsolic, Y Park, T Kazimiers, ...
Science 379 (6636), eadd9330, 2023
Community detection and classification in hierarchical stochastic blockmodels
V Lyzinski, M Tang, A Athreya, Y Park, CE Priebe
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 4 (1), 13-26, 2016
A semiparametric two-sample hypothesis testing problem for random graphs
M Tang, A Athreya, DL Sussman, V Lyzinski, Y Park, CE Priebe
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 26 (2), 344-354, 2017
Locality statistics for anomaly detection in time series of graphs
H Wang, M Tang, Y Park, CE Priebe
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 62 (3), 703-717, 2013
On a two-truths phenomenon in spectral graph clustering
CE Priebe, Y Park, JT Vogelstein, JM Conroy, V Lyzinski, M Tang, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (13), 5995-6000, 2019
Anomaly detection in time series of graphs using fusion of graph invariants
Y Park, CE Priebe, A Youssef
IEEE journal of selected topics in signal processing 7 (1), 67-75, 2012
Collaborative computational anatomy: an MRI morphometry study of the human brain via diffeomorphic metric mapping
MI Miller, CE Priebe, A Qiu, B Fischl, A Kolasny, T Brown, Y Park, ...
Human brain mapping 30 (7), 2132-2141, 2009
Spectral clustering for divide-and-conquer graph matching
V Lyzinski, DL Sussman, DE Fishkind, H Pao, L Chen, JT Vogelstein, ...
Parallel Computing 47, 70-87, 2015
On estimation and inference in latent structure random graphs
A Athreya, M Tang, Y Park, CE Priebe
Variability and heritability of mouse brain structure: Microscopic MRI atlases and connectomes for diverse strains
N Wang, RJ Anderson, DG Ashbrook, V Gopalakrishnan, Y Park, ...
Neuroimage 222, 117274, 2020
Matched filters for noisy induced subgraph detection
DL Sussman, Y Park, CE Priebe, V Lyzinski
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 42 (11), 2887 …, 2019
A central limit theorem for an omnibus embedding of multiple random graphs and implications for multiscale network inference
K Levin, A Athreya, M Tang, V Lyzinski, Y Park, CE Priebe
arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.09355, 2017
Semiparametric spectral modeling of the Drosophila connectome
CE Priebe, Y Park, M Tang, A Athreya, V Lyzinski, JT Vogelstein, Y Qin, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.03297, 2017
Iterative denoising for cross-corpus discovery
CE Priebe, DJ Marchette, Y Park, EJ Wegman, JL Solka, DA Socolinsky, ...
COMPSTAT 2004—Proceedings in Computational Statistics: 16th Symposium Held …, 2004
Statistical inference on attributed random graphs: Fusion of graph features and content: An experiment on time series of Enron graphs
CE Priebe, Y Park, DJ Marchette, JM Conroy, J Grothendieck, AL Gorin
Computational statistics & data analysis 54 (7), 1766-1776, 2010
Anomaly detection using scan statistics on time series hypergraphs
Y Park, C Priebe, D Marchette, A Youssef
Link analysis, counterterrorism and security (LACTS) conference, 9, 2009
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