Enrique Saurez
Enrique Saurez
Research Software Engineer, Microsoft
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Incremental deployment and migration of geo-distributed situation awareness applications in the fog
E Saurez, K Hong, D Lillethun, U Ramachandran, B Ottenwälder
Proceedings of the 10th ACM International Conference on Distributed and …, 2016
Emufog: Extensible and scalable emulation of large-scale fog computing infrastructures
R Mayer, L Graser, H Gupta, E Saurez, U Ramachandran
2017 IEEE Fog World Congress (FWC), 1-6, 2017
Fogstore: Toward a distributed data store for fog computing
R Mayer, H Gupta, E Saurez, U Ramachandran
2017 IEEE Fog World Congress (FWC), 1-6, 2017
The fog makes sense: Enabling social sensing services with limited internet connectivity
R Mayer, H Gupta, E Saurez, U Ramachandran
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Social Sensing, 61-66, 2017
OneEdge: An Efficient Control Plane for Geo-Distributed Infrastructures
E Saurez, H Gupta, A Daglis, U Ramachandran
ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing, 2021
Fog computing for improving user application interaction and context awareness: Demo abstract
E Saurez, H Gupta, U Ramachandran, R Mayer
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Internet-of-Things …, 2017
A case for elevating the edge to be a peer of the cloud
U Ramachandran, H Gupta, A Hall, E Saurez, Z Xu
GetMobile: Mobile Computing and Communications 24 (3), 14-19, 2021
Elevating the edge to be a peer of the cloud
U Ramachandran, H Gupta, A Hall, E Saurez, Z Xu
2019 IEEE 12th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 17-24, 2019
Microedge: a multi-tenant edge cluster system architecture for scalable camera processing
D Cao, J Yoo, Z Xu, E Saurez, H Gupta, T Krishna, U Ramachandran
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM/IFIP International Middleware Conference, 322-334, 2022
Making kernel bypass practical for the cloud with Junction
J Fried, GI Chaudhry, E Saurez, E Choukse, Í Goiri, S Elnikety, R Fonseca, ...
21st USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI …, 2024
METRIC: A middleware for entry transactional database clustering at the edge
E Saurez, B Balasubramanian, R Schlichting, B Tschaen, Z Huang, ...
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop On Middleware for Edge Clouds & Cloudlets, 2-7, 2018
Utility-Aware Load Shedding for Real-time Video Analytics at the Edge
E Saurez, H Gupta, H Roger, S Bhowmik, U Ramachandran, K Rothermel
arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.02409, 2023
Junctiond: Extending FaaS Runtimes with Kernel-Bypass
E Saurez, J Fried, GI Chaudhry, E Choukse, Í Goiri, S Elnikety, A Belay, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.03377, 2024
Color-based Lightweight Utility-aware Load Shedding for Real-Time Video Analytics at the Edge
H Gupta, E Saurez, H Röger, S Bhowmik, U Ramachandran, K Rothermel
Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Distributed and …, 2024
Control plane for situation-awareness applications on geo-distributed resources
EJ Saurez Apuy
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2022
Entry transaction consistent database system
B Balasubramanian, B Tschaen, SP Narayanan, Z Huang, K Joshi, ...
US Patent App. 16/557,632, 2021
A Drop-in Middleware for Serializable DB Clustering across Geo-distributed Sites
E Saurez, B Balasubramanian, R Schlichting, B Tschaen, SP Narayanan, ...
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 13 (12), 2020
Mosaic: Harnessing the Micro-architectural Resources of Servers in Serverless Environments
J Stojkovic, E Choukse, E Saurez, Í Goiri, J Torrellas
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