Gigavoxels: Ray-guided streaming for efficient and detailed voxel rendering C Crassin, F Neyret, S Lefebvre, E Eisemann Proceedings of the 2009 symposium on Interactive 3D graphics and games, 15-22, 2009 | 456 | 2009 |
Interactive indirect illumination using voxel cone tracing C Crassin, F Neyret, M Sainz, S Green, E Eisemann Computer Graphics Forum 30 (7), 1921-1930, 2011 | 335 | 2011 |
Interactive animation of ocean waves D Hinsinger, F Neyret, MP Cani Proceedings of the 2002 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics symposium on Computer …, 2002 | 293 | 2002 |
Modeling, animating, and rendering complex scenes using volumetric textures F Neyret IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 4 (1), 55-70, 1998 | 253 | 1998 |
Real-time collision detection for virtual surgery JC Lombardo, MP Cani, F Neyret Proceedings Computer Animation 1999, 82-90, 1999 | 217 | 1999 |
Video watercolorization using bidirectional texture advection A Bousseau, F Neyret, J Thollot, D Salesin ACM Transactions on Graphics (ToG) 26 (3), 104-es, 2007 | 182 | 2007 |
Rendering forest scenes in real-time P Decaudin, F Neyret EGSR04: 15th Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, 93--102, 2004 | 181 | 2004 |
Animating lava flows D Stora, PO Agliati, MP Cani, F Neyret, JD Gascuel Graphics Interface (GI'99) Proceedings, 203--210, 1999 | 181 | 1999 |
Interactive volumetric textures A Meyer, F Neyret Rendering Techniques’ 98: Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop in Vienna …, 1998 | 180 | 1998 |
Pattern-based texturing revisited F Neyret, MP Cani Proceedings of the 26th annual conference on Computer graphics and …, 1999 | 173 | 1999 |
Precomputed atmospheric scattering E Bruneton, F Neyret Computer graphics forum 27 (4), 1079-1086, 2008 | 163 | 2008 |
Advected textures F Neyret ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics symposium on Computer animation, 147-153, 2003 | 138 | 2003 |
Simulation of smoke based on vortex filament primitives A Angelidis, F Neyret Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics symposium on Computer …, 2005 | 132 | 2005 |
Interactive rendering of trees with shading and shadows A Meyer, F Neyret, P Poulin Rendering Techniques 2001: Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop in …, 2001 | 129 | 2001 |
Real‐time rendering and editing of vector‐based terrains E Bruneton, F Neyret Computer Graphics Forum 27 (2), 311-320, 2008 | 125 | 2008 |
Interactive multiple anisotropic scattering in clouds A Bouthors, F Neyret, N Max, E Bruneton, C Crassin Proceedings of the 2008 symposium on Interactive 3D graphics and games, 173-182, 2008 | 124 | 2008 |
Octree textures on the GPU S Lefebvre, S Hornus, F Neyret GPU gems 2, 595-613, 2005 | 120 | 2005 |
Linear efficient antialiased displacement and reflectance mapping J Dupuy, E Heitz, JC Iehl, P Poulin, F Neyret, V Ostromoukhov ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 32 (6), 1-11, 2013 | 113 | 2013 |
Octree-based sparse voxelization using the GPU hardware rasterizer C Crassin, S Green OpenGL Insights, 303-318, 2012 | 108 | 2012 |
A controllable, fast and stable basis for vortex based smoke simulation A Angelidis, F Neyret, K Singh, D Nowrouzezahrai Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA 06), pages 25-32, 2006 | 101 | 2006 |