Lerzan Aksoy
Lerzan Aksoy
Dean, Gabelli School of Business and Professor of Marketing, Fordham University
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Undervalued or overvalued customers: Capturing total customer engagement value
V Kumar, L Aksoy, B Donkers, R Venkatesan, T Wiesel, S Tillmanns
Journal of service research 13 (3), 297-310, 2010
A longitudinal analysis of customer satisfaction and share of wallet: Investigating the moderating effect of customer characteristics
B Cooil, TL Keiningham, L Aksoy, M Hsu
Journal of marketing 71 (1), 67-83, 2007
The value of different customer satisfaction and loyalty metrics in predicting customer retention, recommendation, and share‐of‐wallet
TL Keiningham, B Cooil, L Aksoy, TW Andreassen, J Weiner
Managing service quality: An international Journal 17 (4), 361-384, 2007
A longitudinal examination of net promoter and firm revenue growth
TL Keiningham, B Cooil, TW Andreassen, L Aksoy
Journal of Marketing 71 (3), 39-51, 2007
Customer experience driven business model innovation
T Keiningham, L Aksoy, HL Bruce, F Cadet, N Clennell, IR Hodgkinson, ...
Journal of Business Research 116, 431-440, 2020
The long-term stock market valuation of customer satisfaction
L Aksoy, B Cooil, C Groening, TL Keiningham, A Yalçın
Journal of Marketing 72 (4), 105-122, 2008
Customer engagement in a big data world
W Kunz, L Aksoy, Y Bart, K Heinonen, S Kabadayi, FV Ordenes, M Sigala, ...
Journal of Services Marketing 31 (2), 161-171, 2017
Linking customer loyalty to growth
TL Keiningham, L Aksoy, B Cooil, TW Andreassen
mIt Sloan management review 49 (4), 51, 2008
Data‐driven services marketing in a connected world
V Kumar, V Chattaraman, C Neghina, B Skiera, L Aksoy, A Buoye, ...
Journal of Service Management 24 (3), 330-352, 2013
How do you measure what you can't define? The current state of loyalty measurement and management
L Aksoy
Journal of Service Management 24 (4), 356-381, 2013
A five-component customer commitment model: implications for repurchase intentions in goods and services industries
TL Keiningham, CM Frennea, L Aksoy, A Buoye, V Mittal
Journal of Service Research 18 (4), 433-450, 2015
Does customer satisfaction lead to profitability? The mediating role of share‐of‐wallet
TL Keiningham, T Perkins‐Munn, L Aksoy, D Estrin
Managing Service Quality: An International Journal 15 (2), 172-181, 2005
Dimensionality of individualism–collectivism and measurement equivalence of Triandis and Gelfand’s scale
F Li, L Aksoy
Journal of Business and Psychology 21, 313-329, 2007
Embedding brands within media content: The impact of message, media, and consumer characteristics on placement efficacy
N Bhatnagar, L Aksoy, SA Malkoc
The psychology of entertainment media, 110-127, 2003
A holistic examination of Net Promoter
TL Keiningham, L Aksoy, B Cooil, TW Andreassen, L Williams
Journal of Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management 15 (2), 79-90, 2008
A cross-national investigation of the satisfaction and loyalty linkage for mobile telecommunications services across eight countries
L Aksoy, A Buoye, P Aksoy, B Larivière, TL Keiningham
Journal of Interactive Marketing 27 (1), 74-82, 2013
Approaches to customer segmentation
B Cooil, L Aksoy, TL Keiningham
Journal of Relationship Marketing 6 (3-4), 9-39, 2008
Loyalty myths: hyped strategies that will put you out of business--and proven tactics that really work
TL Keiningham, TG Vavra, L Aksoy, H Wallard
John Wiley & Sons, 2005
Service failure severity, customer satisfaction, and market share: An examination of the airline industry
TL Keiningham, FV Morgeson III, L Aksoy, L Williams
Journal of Service Research 17 (4), 415-431, 2014
An investigation of the cross-national determinants of customer satisfaction
FV Morgeson, S Mithas, TL Keiningham, L Aksoy
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 39, 198-215, 2011
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