Kevin Chapuis
Kevin Chapuis
Freelance consultant
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Cited by
Comokit: A modeling kit to understand, analyze, and compare the impacts of mitigation policies against the covid-19 epidemic at the scale of a city
B Gaudou, NQ Huynh, D Philippon, A Brugière, K Chapuis, P Taillandier, ...
Frontiers in public health 8, 563247, 2020
Gen*: a generic toolkit to generate spatially explicit synthetic populations
K Chapuis, P Taillandier, M Renaud, A Drogoul
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 32 (6), 1194-1210, 2018
ESCAPE: exploring by simulation cities awareness on population evacuation
E Daudé, K Chapuis, P Taillandier, P Tranouez, C Caron, A Drogoul, ...
16th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and …, 2019
A brief review of synthetic population generation practices in agent-based social simulation
K Chapuis, P Taillandier
Social Simulation Conference 2019, 12, 2019
Generation of Synthetic Populations in Social Simulations: A Review of Methods and Practices
K Chapuis, P Taillandier, A Drogoul
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 25 (2), 2022
Gen*: an integrated tool for realistic agent population synthesis
K Chapuis, S Thiriot, P Taillandier, B Gaudou, F Amblard
Social Simulation Conference 2019, 13, 2019
Designing social simulation to (seriously) support decision-making: COMOKIT, an agent-based modelling toolkit to analyse and compare the impacts of public health interventions …
A Drogoul, P Taillandier, B Gaudou, M Choisy, K Chapuis, NH Quang, ...
Review of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation-RofASSS, 2020
A multi-modal urban traffic agent-based framework to study individual response to catastrophic events
K Chapuis, P Taillandier, B Gaudou, A Drogoul, E Daudé
PRIMA 2018: Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems: 21st …, 2018
HoanKiemAir: simulating impacts of urban management practices on traffic and air pollution using a tangible agent-based model
PM Duc, K Chapuis, A Drogoul, B Gaudou, A Grignard, N Marilleau, ...
2020 RIVF International Conference on Computing and Communication …, 2020
Using the COMOKIT model to study the impact of the morpho-functional organization of cities on the spread of COVID-19
K Chapuis, P Taillandier, B Gaudou, A Brugière, A Drogoul, A Araldi, ...
6th International Workshop on Agent-Based Modelling of Urban Systems (ABMUS …, 2021
Computing Job Satisfaction with Social Comparison Process: an Agent-Based Approach
K Chapuis, JD Kant
Social Simulation Conference 2014 - 10th European Social Simulation …, 2014
Exploring multi-modal evacuation strategies for a landlocked population using large-scale agent-based simulations
K Chapuis, P Minh-Duc, A Brugière, JD Zucker, A Drogoul, P Tranouez, ...
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 36 (9), 1741-1783, 2022
Happywork: modélisation multi-agents de la satisfaction au travail
K Chapuis
Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris VI, 2016
Support local empowerment using various modeling approaches and model purposes: a practical and theoretical point of view
K Chapuis, MP Bonnet, N Hora, JC Evangelista-Vale, N Bancel, G Melo, ...
Advances in Social Simulation: Proceedings of the 16th Social Simulation …, 2022
An agent-based co-modeling approach to simulate the evacuation of a population in the context of a realistic flooding event: A case study in hanoi (vietnam)
K Chapuis, TA Elwaqoudi, A Brugière, E Daudé, A Drogoul, B Gaudou, ...
Modelling, Simulation and Applications of Complex Systems: CoSMoS 2019 …, 2021
Dealing with mixed and non-normative traffic. An agent-based simulation with the GAMA platform
A Saval, DP Minh, K Chapuis, P Tranouez, C Caron, É Daudé, ...
Plos one 18 (3), e0281658, 2023
ODD description of the COMOKIT model
A Brugière, K Chapuis, M Choisy, A Drogoul, B Gaudou, P Larmande, ... …, 2020
Toward AI-designed innovation diffusion policies using agent-based simulations and reinforcement learning: The case of digital tool adoption in agriculture
M Vinyals, R Sabbadin, S Couture, L Sadou, R Thomopoulos, K Chapuis, ...
Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics 9, 1000785, 2023
Comokit-albatross: An agent-based, activity-based model on covid-19 simulation
S Kim, R Soora, K Chapuis, S Bhamidipati, A Brugière
1st conference GAMA Days 2021, 2021
Landscape generation for a Land Use and Land Cover Change Agent-Based Model, with GAMA platform
R Mejean, K Chapuis, M Saqalli, M Paegelow, D Kaced
GAMA Days 2021, 2021
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Articles 1–20