Jun Du
Jun Du
Research Associate at Department of EE, Tsinghua University
Потвърден имейл адрес: tsinghua.edu.cn
Machine learning for 6G wireless networks: Carrying forward enhanced bandwidth, massive access, and ultrareliable/low-latency service
J Du, C Jiang, J Wang, Y Ren, M Debbah
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine 15 (4), 122-134, 2020
Priority-aware task offloading in vehicular fog computing based on deep reinforcement learning
J Shi, J Du, J Wang, J Wang, J Yuan
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (12), 16067-16081, 2020
Multi-agent reinforcement learning aided intelligent UAV swarm for target tracking
Z Xia, J Du, J Wang, C Jiang, Y Ren, G Li, Z Han
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 71 (1), 931-945, 2021
Auction design and analysis for SDN-based traffic offloading in hybrid satellite-terrestrial networks
J Du, C Jiang, H Zhang, Y Ren, M Guizani
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 36 (10), 2202-2217, 2018
Contract design for traffic offloading and resource allocation in heterogeneous ultra-dense networks
J Du, E Gelenbe, C Jiang, H Zhang, Y Ren
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 35 (11), 2457-2467, 2017
Secure satellite-terrestrial transmission over incumbent terrestrial networks via cooperative beamforming
J Du, C Jiang, H Zhang, X Wang, Y Ren, M Debbah
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 36 (7), 1367-1382, 2018
Contract mechanism and performance analysis for data transaction in mobile social networks
J Du, C Jiang, Z Han, H Zhang, S Mumtaz, Y Ren
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 6 (2), 103-115, 2017
Stochastic optimization-aided energy-efficient information collection in internet of underwater things networks
Z Fang, J Wang, J Du, X Hou, Y Ren, Z Han
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (3), 1775-1789, 2021
SDN-based resource allocation in edge and cloud computing systems: An evolutionary Stackelberg differential game approach
J Du, C Jiang, A Benslimane, S Guo, Y Ren
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 30 (4), 1613-1628, 2022
Community-structured evolutionary game for privacy protection in social networks
J Du, C Jiang, KC Chen, Y Ren, HV Poor
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 13 (3), 574-589, 2017
Gradient and channel aware dynamic scheduling for over-the-air computation in federated edge learning systems
J Du, B Jiang, C Jiang, Y Shi, Z Han
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 41 (4), 1035-1050, 2023
Resource allocation in space multiaccess systems
J Du, C Jiang, J Wang, Y Ren, S Yu, Z Han
IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems 53 (2), 598-618, 2017
Cooperative earth observation through complex space information networks
J Du, C Jiang, Q Guo, M Guizani, Y Ren
IEEE wireless communications 23 (2), 136-144, 2016
Satellite image prediction relying on GAN and LSTM neural networks
Z Xu, J Du, J Wang, C Jiang, Y Ren
ICC 2019-2019 IEEE international conference on communications (ICC), 1-6, 2019
Dynamic computation offloading with energy harvesting devices: A hybrid-decision-based deep reinforcement learning approach
J Zhang, J Du, Y Shen, J Wang
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (10), 9303-9317, 2020
DRL-based V2V computation offloading for blockchain-enabled vehicular networks
J Shi, J Du, Y Shen, J Wang, J Yuan, Z Han
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 22 (7), 3882-3897, 2022
Value-based hierarchical information collection for AUV-enabled Internet of Underwater Things
R Duan, J Du, C Jiang, Y Ren
IEEE internet of things journal 7 (10), 9870-9883, 2020
Stackelberg game-based computation offloading in social and cognitive industrial Internet of Things
F Li, H Yao, J Du, C Jiang, Y Qian
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 16 (8), 5444-5455, 2019
Resource allocation with video traffic prediction in cloud-based space systems
J Du, C Jiang, Y Qian, Z Han, Y Ren
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 18 (5), 820-830, 2016
Distributed data privacy preservation in IoT applications
J Du, C Jiang, E Gelenbe, L Xu, J Li, Y Ren
IEEE Wireless Communications 25 (6), 68-76, 2018
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