Pengfei Wei
Variable importance analysis: A comprehensive review
P Wei, Z Lu, J Song
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 142, 399-432, 2015
Efficient sampling methods for global reliability sensitivity analysis
P Wei, Z Lu, W Hao, J Feng, B Wang
Computer Physics Communications 183 (8), 1728-1743, 2012
Monte Carlo simulation for moment-independent sensitivity analysis
P Wei, Z Lu, X Yuan
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 110, 60-67, 2013
Non-intrusive stochastic analysis with parameterized imprecise probability models: I. Performance estimation
P Wei, J Song, S Bi, M Broggi, M Beer, Z Lu, Z Yue
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 124, 349-368, 2019
Non-intrusive stochastic analysis with parameterized imprecise probability models: II. Reliability and rare events analysis
P Wei, J Song, S Bi, M Broggi, M Beer, Z Lu, Z Yue
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 126, 227-247, 2019
Reliability and reliability-based importance analysis of structural systems using multiple response Gaussian process model
P Wei, F Liu, C Tang
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 175, 183-195, 2018
Extended Monte Carlo simulation for parametric global sensitivity analysis and optimization
P Wei, Z Lu, J Song
AIAA journal 52 (4), 867-878, 2014
Time-dependent reliability sensitivity analysis of motion mechanisms
P Wei, J Song, Z Lu, Z Yue
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 149, 107-120, 2016
Active learning line sampling for rare event analysis
J Song, P Wei, M Valdebenito, M Beer
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 147, 107113, 2021
Moment‐independent sensitivity analysis using copula
P Wei, Z Lu, J Song
Risk Analysis 34 (2), 210-222, 2014
Structural reliability and reliability sensitivity analysis of extremely rare failure events by combining sampling and surrogate model methods
P Wei, C Tang, Y Yang
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of …, 2019
Parallel adaptive Bayesian quadrature for rare event estimation
C Dang, P Wei, MGR Faes, MA Valdebenito, M Beer
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 225, 108621, 2022
A new non-probabilistic time-dependent reliability model for mechanisms with interval uncertainties
Q Chang, C Zhou, P Wei, Y Zhang, Z Yue
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 215, 107771, 2021
Time-variant global reliability sensitivity analysis of structures with both input random variables and stochastic processes
P Wei, Y Wang, C Tang
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 55, 1883-1898, 2017
Non-intrusive imprecise stochastic simulation by line sampling
J Song, M Valdebenito, P Wei, M Beer, Z Lu
Structural Safety 84, 101936, 2020
The Bhattacharyya distance: Enriching the P-box in stochastic sensitivity analysis
S Bi, M Broggi, P Wei, M Beer
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 129, 265-281, 2019
A new variance-based global sensitivity analysis technique
P Wei, Z Lu, J Song
Computer Physics Communications 184 (11), 2540-2551, 2013
Estimation of failure probability function under imprecise probabilities by active learning–augmented probabilistic integration
C Dang, P Wei, J Song, M Beer
ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A …, 2021
Regional sensitivity analysis using revised mean and variance ratio functions
P Wei, Z Lu, W Ruan, J Song
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 121, 121-135, 2014
Structural reliability analysis: A Bayesian perspective
C Dang, MA Valdebenito, MGR Faes, P Wei, M Beer
Structural Safety 99, 102259, 2022
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