Sandra C. P. F. Fabbri
Sandra C. P. F. Fabbri
Professora Associada, Departamento de Computação, Universidade Federal de São Carlos
Потвърден имейл адрес: dc.ufscar.br
Improvements in the StArt tool to better support the systematic review process
S Fabbri, C Silva, E Hernandes, F Octaviano, A Di Thommazo, A Belgamo
Proceedings of the 20th international conference on evaluation and …, 2016
Mutation analysis testing for finite state machines
SCPF Fabbri, ME Delamaro, JC Maldonado, PC Masiero
Proceedings of 1994 IEEE international symposium on software reliability …, 1994
Replicating software engineering experiments: addressing the tacit knowledge problem
F Shull, V Basili, J Carver, JC Maldonado, GH Travassos, M Mendonça, ...
Proceedings international symposium on empirical software engineering, 7-16, 2002
Knowledge-sharing issues in experimental software engineering
F Shull, MG Mendoncça, V Basili, J Carver, JC Maldonado, S Fabbri, ...
Empirical Software Engineering 9, 111-137, 2004
Using GQM and TAM to evaluate StArt-a tool that supports Systematic Review
E Hernandes, A Zamboni, S Fabbri, AD Thommazo
CLEI Electronic Journal 15 (1), 3-3, 2012
Revisão sistemática da literatura em engenharia de software: teoria e prática
EY Nakagawa, KRF Scannavino, SCPF Fabbri, FC Ferrari
Elsevier Brasil, 2017
Mutation testing applied to validate specifications based on statecharts
SCPF Fabbri, JC Maldonado, T Sugeta, PC Masiero
Proceedings 10th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering …, 1999
StArt uma ferramenta computacional de apoio à revisão sistemática
A Zamboni, AD Thommazo, ECM Hernandes, S Fabbri
Proc.: Congresso Brasileiro de Software (CBSoft’10), Salvador, Brazil, 91-96, 2010
Mutation testing applied to validate specifications based on petri nets
SCPF Fabbri, JC Maldonado, PC Masiero, ME Delamaro, E Wong
Formal Description Techniques VIII: Proceedings of the IFIP TC6 Eighth …, 1996
Perspective-based reading: a replicated experiment focused on individual reviewer effectiveness
JC Maldonado, J Carver, F Shull, S Fabbri, E Dória, L Martimiano, ...
Empirical Software Engineering 11, 119-142, 2006
Mutation testing applied to estelle specifications
SDRS De Souza, JC Maldonado, SCPF Fabbri, WL De Souza
Software Quality Journal 8 (4), 285-301, 1999
Initiatives and challenges of using gamification in software engineering: A Systematic Mapping
D de Paula Porto, GM de Jesus, FC Ferrari, SCPF Fabbri
Journal of Systems and Software 173, 110870, 2021
Proteum/FSM: a tool to support finite state machine validation based on mutation testing
SCPF Fabbri, JC Maldonado, ME Delamaro
Proceedings. SCCC'99 XIX International Conference of the Chilean Computer …, 1999
Proteum: A family of tools to support specification and program testing based on mutation
JC Maldonado, ME Delamaro, SCPF Fabbri, A da Silva Simão, T Sugeta, ...
Mutation testing for the new century, 113-116, 2001
A framework for software engineering experimental replications
MG Mendonça, JC Maldonado, MCF De Oliveira, J Carver, SCPF Fabbri, ...
13th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer …, 2008
Managing Literature Reviews Information through Visualization.
SCPF Fabbri, EM Hernandes, A Di Thommazo, A Belgamo, A Zamboni, ...
ICEIS (2), 36-45, 2012
Revisão Sistemática da Literatura em Engenharia de Software: teoria e prática
KRF Scannavino, EY Nakagawa, SCPF Fabbri, FC Ferrari
Semi-automatic selection of primary studies in systematic literature reviews: is it reasonable?
FR Octaviano, KR Felizardo, JC Maldonado, SCPF Fabbri
Empirical Software Engineering 20, 1898-1917, 2015
Externalising tacit knowledge of the systematic review process
SCPF Fabbri, KR Felizardo, FC Ferrari, ECM Hernandes, FR Octaviano, ...
IET software 7 (6), 298-307, 2013
SRAT (Systematic Review Automatic Tool)-uma ferramenta computacional de apoio à Revisão Sistemática
RP Montebelo, A Orlando, DP Porto, D Zaniro, S Fabbri
V Experimental Software Engineering Latin American Workshop, ICMC-São Carlos 10, 2007
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