Bethany L Clark
Bethany L Clark
BirdLife International
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Effects of age and reproductive status on individual foraging site fidelity in a long-lived marine predator
SC Votier, AL Fayet, S Bearhop, TW Bodey, BL Clark, J Grecian, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1859), 20171068, 2017
Direct evidence of a prey depletion “halo” surrounding a pelagic predator colony
SB Weber, AJ Richardson, J Brown, M Bolton, BL Clark, BJ Godley, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (28), e2101325118, 2021
Global assessment of marine plastic exposure risk for oceanic birds
BL Clark, APB Carneiro, EJ Pearmain, MM Rouyer, TA Clay, W Cowger, ...
Nature communications 14 (1), 3665, 2023
Same data, different analysts: variation in effect sizes due to analytical decisions in ecology and evolutionary biology
E Gould, HS Fraser, TH Parker, S Nakagawa, SC Griffith, PA Vesk, ...
BMC biology 23 (1), 35, 2025
Gannets are not attracted to fishing vessels in Iceland—potential influence of a discard ban and food availability
BL Clark, F Vigfúsdóttir, MJ Jessopp, JM Burgos, TW Bodey, SC Votier
ICES Journal of Marine Science 77 (2), 692-700, 2020
Sex differences in migration and demography of a wide-ranging seabird, the northern gannet
Z Deakin, KC Hamer, RB Sherley, S Bearhop, TW Bodey, BL Clark, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 622, 191-201, 2019
Sexual segregation of gannet foraging over 11 years: movements vary but isotopic differences remain stable
BL Clark, SL Cox, KM Atkins, S Bearhop, AWJ Bicknell, TW Bodey, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 661, 1-16, 2021
Virus prevalence and genetic diversity across a wild bumblebee community
DJ Pascall, MC Tinsley, BL Clark, DJ Obbard, L Wilfert
Frontiers in Microbiology 12, 650747, 2021
Cryptic population decrease due to invasive species predation in a long‐lived seabird supports need for eradication
S Oppel, BL Clark, MM Risi, C Horswill, SJ Converse, CW Jones, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology, 2022
Fine-scale associations between wandering albatrosses and fisheries in the southwest Atlantic Ocean
APB Carneiro, BL Clark, EJ Pearmain, T Clavelle, AG Wood, RA Phillips
Biological Conservation 276, 109796, 2022
Plastic pollution and marine megafauna: Recent advances and future directions
SE Nelms, BL Clark, EM Duncan, E Germanov, BJ Godley, KJ Parton, ...
Plastic Pollution in the Global Ocean, 97-138, 2023
Integrating immersion with GPS data improves behavioural classification for wandering albatrosses and shows scavenging behind fishing vessels mirrors natural foraging
APB Carneiro, MP Dias, S Oppel, EJ Pearmain, BL Clark, AG Wood, ...
Animal Conservation 25 (5), 627-637, 2022
Guanay cormorant (Leucocarbo bougainvilliorum) pellets as an indicator of marine plastic pollution along the Peruvian coast
I Diaz-Santibañez, BL Clark, CB Zavalaga
Marine Pollution Bulletin 192, 115104, 2023
Bridging disciplines with training in remote sensing for animal movement: an attendee perspective
BL Clark, M Bevanda, E Aspillaga, NH Jørgensen
Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 3 (1), 30-37, 2017
Interactions between anchovy fisheries and Peruvian boobies revealed by bird-borne cameras and movement loggers
BL Clark, C Irigoin-Lovera, DD Gonzales-DelCarpio, I Diaz-Santibañez, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 701, 145-157, 2022
First three-dimensional tracks for the Ascension Frigatebird Fregata aquila highlight the importance of altitude for behavioural studies
BL Clark, T Handby, E Leat, SB Weber
Seabird 32, 1-19, 2020
Gannet Morus Bassanus ring recoveries suggest shorter migrations than geolocator tracking, but indicate no long-term change in migration distances
K Laurenson, K Atkins, B Clark, G Morgan, L Morgan, S Votier
Bird Study 68 (1), 1-8, 2021
Northern gannet Morus bassanus foraging ecology: A multidimensional approach
BL Clark
University of Exeter, 2020
Northern Gannet foraging trip length increases with colony size and decreases with latitude
BL Clark, F Vigfúsdóttir, S Wanless, KC Hamer, TW Bodey, S Bearhop, ...
Royal Society Open Science 11 (9), 240708, 2024
Handedness and individual roll-angle specialism when plunge diving in the northern gannet
A Bennison, BL Clark, SC Votier, JL Quinn, J Darby, M Jessopp
Biology Letters 19 (9), 20230287, 2023
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Articles 1–20