Europe-wide dampening of population cycles in keystone herbivores T Cornulier, NG Yoccoz, V Bretagnolle, JE Brommer, A Butet, F Ecke, ... Science 340 (6128), 63-66, 2013 | 365 | 2013 |
Matrix models for a changeable world: the importance of transient dynamics in population management THG Ezard, JM Bullock, HJ Dalgleish, A Millon, F Pelletier, A Ozgul, ... Journal of Applied Ecology 47 (3), 515-523, 2010 | 171 | 2010 |
Comparative breeding biology of Hen Harrier and Montagu’s Harrier: an 8‐year study in north‐eastern France A Millon, JL Bourrioux, C Riols, V Bretagnolle Ibis 144 (1), 94-105, 2002 | 117 | 2002 |
Compensatory immigration challenges predator control: An experimental evidence‐based approach improves management N Lieury, S Ruette, S Devillard, M Albaret, F Drouyer, B Baudoux, A Millon The Journal of Wildlife Management 79 (3), 425-434, 2015 | 97 | 2015 |
Predator population dynamics under a cyclic prey regime: numerical responses, demographic parameters and growth rates A Millon, V Bretagnolle Oikos 117 (10), 1500-1510, 2008 | 80 | 2008 |
Dampening prey cycle overrides the impact of climate change on predator population dynamics: A long‐term demographic study on tawny owls A Millon, SJ Petty, B Little, O Gimenez, T Cornulier, X Lambin Global change biology 20 (6), 1770-1781, 2014 | 72 | 2014 |
Relative contribution of local demography and immigration in the recovery of a geographically-isolated population of the endangered Egyptian vulture N Lieury, M Gallardo, C Ponchon, A Besnard, A Millon Biological Conservation 191, 349-356, 2015 | 66 | 2015 |
Natal conditions alter age‐specific reproduction but not survival or senescence in a long‐lived bird of prey A Millon, SJ Petty, B Little, X Lambin Journal of Animal Ecology 80 (5), 968-975, 2011 | 63 | 2011 |
Pulsed resources affect the timing of first breeding and lifetime reproductive success of tawny owls A Millon, SJ Petty, X Lambin Journal of Animal Ecology 79 (2), 426-435, 2010 | 61 | 2010 |
Quantifying the contribution of immigration to population dynamics: A review of methods, evidence and perspectives in birds and mammals A Millon, X Lambin, S Devillard, M Schaub Biological Reviews 94 (6), 2049-2067, 2019 | 59 | 2019 |
Migration of wild and captive‐bred Little Bustards Tetrax tetrax: releasing birds from Spain threatens attempts to conserve declining French populations A Villers, A Millon, F Jiguet, JM LETT, C Attie, MB Morales, V Bretagnolle Ibis 152 (2), 254-261, 2010 | 47 | 2010 |
Predator–prey relationships in a changing environment: the case of the sparrowhawk and its avian prey community in a rural area A Millon, JT Nielsen, V Bretagnolle, AP Møller Journal of Animal Ecology 78 (5), 1086-1095, 2009 | 45 | 2009 |
Variable but predictable prey availability affects predator breeding success: natural versus experimental evidence A Millon, BE Arroyo, V Bretagnolle Journal of Zoology 275 (4), 349-358, 2008 | 45 | 2008 |
The effect of climate change on avian offspring production: A global meta-analysis L Halupka, D Arlt, J Tolvanen, A Millon, P Bize, P Adamík, P Albert, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (19), e2208389120, 2023 | 38 | 2023 |
Age and sex‐selective predation moderate the overall impact of predators SR Hoy, SJ Petty, A Millon, DP Whitfield, M Marquiss, M Davison, ... Journal of Animal Ecology 84 (3), 692-701, 2015 | 38 | 2015 |
Cats Felis catus as a threat to bats worldwide: a review of the evidence M Oedin, F Brescia, A Millon, BP Murphy, P Palmas, JCZ Woinarski, ... Mammal Review 51 (3), 323-337, 2021 | 37 | 2021 |
Identifying effective actions to guide volunteer‐based and nationwide conservation efforts for a ground‐nesting farmland bird A Santangeli, B Arroyo, A Millon, V Bretagnolle Journal of Applied Ecology 52 (4), 1082-1091, 2015 | 36 | 2015 |
Vegetation increases abundances of ground and canopy arthropods in Mediterranean vineyards C Blaise, C Mazzia, A Bischoff, A Millon, P Ponel, O Blight Scientific reports 12 (1), 3680, 2022 | 35 | 2022 |
Food availability and predation risk, rather than intrinsic attributes, are the main factors shaping the reproductive decisions of a long‐lived predator SR Hoy, A Millon, SJ Petty, DP Whitfield, X Lambin Journal of Animal Ecology 85 (4), 892-902, 2016 | 31 | 2016 |
The key role of inter-row vegetation and ants on predation in Mediterranean organic vineyards C Blaise, C Mazzia, A Bischoff, A Millon, P Ponel, O Blight Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 311, 107327, 2021 | 30 | 2021 |