Vladimir Slavchev
Vladimir Slavchev
Varna Regional Museum of Archaeology
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The genomic history of southeastern Europe
I Mathieson, S Alpaslan-Roodenberg, C Posth, A Szécsényi-Nagy, ...
Nature 555 (7695), 197-203, 2018
New perspectives on the Varna cemetery (Bulgaria)–AMS dates and social implications
T Higham, J Chapman, V Slavchev, B Gaydarska, N Honch, Y Yordanov, ...
antiquity 81 (313), 640-654, 2007
The social context of the emergence, development and abandonment of the Varna cemetery, Bulgaria
J Chapman, T Higham, V Slavchev, B Gaydarska, N Honch
European Journal of Archaeology 9 (2-3), 159-183, 2006
On the invention of gold metallurgy: The gold objects from the Varna I cemetery (Bulgaria)—Technological consequence and inventive creativity
V Leusch, B Armbruster, E Pernicka, V Slavčev
Cambridge Archaeological Journal 25 (1), 353-376, 2015
Ten millennia of hepatitis B virus evolution
A Kocher, L Papac, R Barquera, FM Key, MA Spyrou, R Hübler, ...
Science 374 (6564), 182-188, 2021
The Varna Eneolithic cemetery in the context of the Late Copper Age in the East Balkans
V Slavchev
D. Anthony & J. Chi (eds.). The Lost World of Old Europe: The Danube Valley …, 2009
Chronology and development of the Chalcolithic necropolis of Varna I
R Krauß, C Schmid, D Kirschenheuter, J Abele, V Slavchev, B Weninger
Documenta Praehistorica 44, 282-305, 2017
AMS dating of the late copper age Varna cemetery, Bulgaria
T Higham, V Slavchev, B Gaydarska, J Chapman
Radiocarbon 60 (2), 493-516, 2018
Varna und die Folgen–Überlegungen zu den Ockergräbern zwischen Karpatenbecken und der nördlichen Ägäis
R Krauß, C Schmid, D Ciobotaru, V Slavchev
Von Baden bis Troia. Ressourcennutzung, Metallurgie und Wissenstransfer …, 2016
New AMS radiocarbon dates for the Varna eneolithic cemetery, Bulgarian Black Sea coast
T Higham, J Chapman, V Slavchev, B Gaydarska, NV Honch, Y Yordanov, ...
The Varna Eneolithic Necropolis and Problems of Prehistory in Southeast …, 2008
Rich metallurgists’(?) graves from the Varna I cemetery-Rediscussing the social role of the earliest metalworkers
V Leusch, S Zäuner, V Slavčev, R Krauß, B Armbruster, E Pernicka
Artisans versus Nobility, 101-124, 2017
New AMS radiocarbon dates for Varna Eneolithic cemetery, Bulgarian Black sea coast
T Higham, J Chapman, B Gaydarska, N Honch, V Slavchev, Y Yordanov, ...
Antiquity 81, 640–654, 2007
Early contact between late farming and pastoralist societies in southeastern Europe
S Penske, AB Rohrlach, A Childebayeva, G Gnecchi-Ruscone, C Schmid, ...
Nature 620 (7973), 358-365, 2023
The Varna eneolithic necropolis and problems of prehistory in Southeast Europe: studia in memoriam Ivani Ivanov
V Slavčev
Regionalen Istoričeski Muzej, 2008
Bulgaria: sea-level change and submerged settlements on the Black Sea
P Peev, RH Farr, V Slavchev, MJ Grant, J Adams, G Bailey
The archaeology of Europe’s drowned landscapes, 393-412, 2020
B. Dimitrova 2007
T Higham, J Chapman, V Slavchev, B Gaydarska, N Honch, Y Yordanov
New perspectives on the Varna cemetery (Bulgaria)–AMS dates and social …, 0
Palaeoecology and geoarchaeology of Varna Lake, northeastern Bulgaria
M Filipova-Marinova, D Pavlov, S Vergiev, V Slavchev, L Giosan
Comptes rendus de l’Académie bulgare des Sciences 66 (3), 377-392, 2013
West Pontic Diets: A Scientific Framework for Understanding the Durankulak and Varna I Cemeteries, Bulgaria
NV Honch, J Chapman, TFG Higham, B Gaydarska, H Todorova, ...
IANSA-Interdisciplinaria archaeological-Natural Sciences in Archaeology 4 (2 …, 2013
A new look at the Late Bronze Age oxhide ingots from the eastern Balkans
B Athanassov, D Chernakov, K Dimitrov, R Krauss, H Popov, R Schwab, ...
Objects, Ideas and Travelers Contacts between the Balkans, the Aegean and …, 2020
Investigating the provenance of obsidian from Neolithic and Chalcolithic sites in Bulgaria
C Bonsall, N Elenski, G Ganecovski, M Gurova, G Ivanov, V Slavchev, ...
Antiquity 91 (356), e3, 2017
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