Diana Toneva
Diana Toneva
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Sex estimation by size and shape of foramen magnum based on CT imaging
D Toneva, S Nikolova, S Harizanov, I Georgiev, D Zlatareva, ...
Legal Medicine 35, 50-60, 2018
Digital radiomorphometric analysis of the frontal sinus and assessment of the relation between persistent metopic suture and frontal sinus development
S Nikolova, D Toneva, I Georgiev, N Lazarov
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 165 (3), 492-506, 2018
Machine learning approaches for sex estimation using cranial measurements
D Toneva, S Nikolova, G Agre, D Zlatareva, V Hadjidekov, N Lazarov
International Journal of Legal Medicine 135 (3), 951-966, 2021
Sagittal suture maturation: Morphological reorganization, relation to aging, and reliability as an age‐at‐death indicator
S Nikolova, D Toneva, I Georgiev, N Lazarov
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 169 (1), 78-92, 2019
Multiple Wormian bones and their relation with definite pathological conditions in a case of an adult cranium.
SY Nikolova, DH Toneva, YA Yordanov, NE Lazarov
Anthropologischer Anzeiger; Bericht Uber die Biologisch-anthropologische …, 2014
Data mining for sex estimation based on cranial measurements
DH Toneva, SY Nikolova, GP Agre, DK Zlatareva, VG Hadjidekov, ...
Forensic Science International 315, 110441, 2020
Absence of foramen spinosum and abnormal middle meningeal artery in cranial series
SY Nikolova, DH Toneva, YA Yordanov, NE Lazarov
Anthropol Anz 69 (3), 351-366, 2012
Facial soft tissue thicknesses in Bulgarian adults: relation to sex, body mass index and bilateral asymmetry
D Toneva, S Nikolova, I Georgiev, S Harizanov, D Zlatareva, ...
Folia morphologica, 2018
Sex estimation by Mastoid Triangle using 3D models.
DH Toneva, SY Nikolova, DK Zlatareva, VG Hadjidekov, NE Lazarov
Homo: Internationale Zeitschrift Fur Die Vergleichende Forschung Am Menschen …, 2019
A persistent metopic suture–incidence and influence on the frontal sinus development (preliminary data)
S Nikolova, D Toneva, I Georgiev
Acta morphologica et anthropologica 23, 83-90, 2016
Two cases of large bregmatic bone along with a persistent metopic suture from necropoles on the northern Black Sea coast of Bulgaria
S Nikolova, D Toneva, I Georgiev, Y Yordanov, N Lazarov
Anthropological Science 124 (2), 145-153, 2016
Variations in the squamous part of the occipital bone in medieval and contemporary cranial series from Bulgaria
S Nikolova, D Toneva, Y Yordanov, N Lazarov
Folia Morphologica 73 (4), 429-438, 2014
Relation between metopic suture persistence and frontal sinus development
S Nikolova, D Toneva, I Georgiev, N Lazarov
Challenging issues on paranasal sinuses, 2018
Accuracy of linear craniometric measurements obtained from laser scanning created 3D models of dry skulls
D Toneva, S Nikolova, I Georgiev, A Tchorbadjieff
Advanced Computing in Industrial Mathematics: Revised Selected Papers of the …, 2017
Frequency of metopic suture in male and female medieval cranial series
S Nikolova, D Toneva
Acta Morphol. Anthropol 19, 250-2, 2012
Morphometric analysis of the frontal sinus: application of industrial digital radiography and virtual endocast
S Nikolova, D Toneva, I Georgiev, A Dandov, N Lazarov
Journal of Forensic Radiology and Imaging, 2018
Reliability and accuracy of angular measurements on laser scanning created 3D models of dry skulls
D Toneva, S Nikolova, I Georgiev
Journal of Anthropology 2016 (1), 6218659, 2016
Morphology of suprascapular notch in medieval skeletons from Bulgaria
D Toneva, S Nikolova
Folia Morphologica 73 (2), 210-215, 2014
Impact of Resolution and Texture of Laser Scanning Generated Three‐Dimensional Models on Landmark Identification
D Toneva, S Nikolova, I Georgiev, N Lazarov
The Anatomical Record 303 (7), 1950-1965, 2020
Size and shape of human mandible: Sex differences and influence of age on sex estimation accuracy
DH Toneva, SY Nikolova, NF Fileva, DK Zlatareva
Legal Medicine 65, 102322, 2023
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