Sangtae Kim
Sangtae Kim
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Cited by
Proteogenomic characterization of human colon and rectal cancer
B Zhang, J Wang, X Wang, J Zhu, Q Liu, Z Shi, MC Chambers, ...
Nature 513 (7518), 382-387, 2014
Strelka2: fast and accurate calling of germline and somatic variants
S Kim, K Scheffler, AL Halpern, MA Bekritsky, E Noh, M Källberg, X Chen, ...
Nature methods 15 (8), 591-594, 2018
MS-GF+ makes progress towards a universal database search tool for proteomics
S Kim, PA Pevzner
Nature communications 5 (1), 5277, 2014
Spectral probabilities and generating functions of tandem mass spectra: a strike against decoy databases
S Kim, N Gupta, PA Pevzner
Journal of proteome research 7 (8), 3354-3363, 2008
The generating function of CID, ETD, and CID/ETD pairs of tandem mass spectra: applications to database search
S Kim, N Mischerikow, N Bandeira, JD Navarro, L Wich, S Mohammed, ...
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 9 (12), 2840-2852, 2010
Peptide-centric proteome analysis: an alternative strategy for the analysis of tandem mass spectrometry data
YS Ting, JD Egertson, SH Payne, S Kim, B MacLean, L Käll, R Aebersold, ...
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 14 (9), 2301-2307, 2015
False discovery rates in spectral identification
K Jeong, S Kim, N Bandeira
BMC bioinformatics 13, 1-15, 2012
Informed-Proteomics: open-source software package for top-down proteomics
J Park, PD Piehowski, C Wilkins, M Zhou, J Mendoza, GM Fujimoto, ...
Nature methods 14 (9), 909-914, 2017
An open-source computational and data resource to analyze digital maps of immunopeptidomes
E Caron, L Espona, DJ Kowalewski, H Schuster, N Ternette, A Alpízar, ...
Elife 4, e07661, 2015
LIQUID: an-open source software for identifying lipids in LC-MS/MS-based lipidomics data
JE Kyle, KL Crowell, CP Casey, GM Fujimoto, S Kim, SE Dautel, RD Smith, ...
Bioinformatics 33 (11), 1744-1746, 2017
Spectral dictionaries: Integrating de novo peptide sequencing with database search of tandem mass spectra
S Kim, N Gupta, N Bandeira, PA Pevzner
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 8 (1), 53-69, 2009
Fast and accurate database searches with MS-GF+ Percolator
V Granholm, S Kim, JCF Navarro, E Sjolund, RD Smith, L Kall
Journal of proteome research 13 (2), 890-897, 2014
UniNovo: a universal tool for de novo peptide sequencing
K Jeong, S Kim, PA Pevzner
Bioinformatics 29 (16), 1953-1962, 2013
Expanding proteome coverage with orthogonal-specificity α-lytic proteases
JG Meyer, S Kim, DA Maltby, M Ghassemian, N Bandeira, EA Komives
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 13 (3), 823-835, 2014
High-resolution ultrahigh-pressure long column reversed-phase liquid chromatography for top-down proteomics
Y Shen, N Tolić, PD Piehowski, AK Shukla, S Kim, R Zhao, Y Qu, ...
Journal of Chromatography A 1498, 99-110, 2017
MOD i : a powerful and convenient web server for identifying multiple post-translational peptide modifications from tandem mass spectra
S Kim, S Na, JW Sim, H Park, J Jeong, H Kim, Y Seo, J Seo, KJ Lee, ...
Nucleic acids research 34 (suppl_2), W258-W263, 2006
Reproducibility of differential proteomic technologies in CPTAC fractionated xenografts
DL Tabb, X Wang, SA Carr, KR Clauser, P Mertins, MC Chambers, ...
Journal of proteome research 15 (3), 691-706, 2016
study: detection of differentially abundant proteins in label-free quantitative LC-MS/MS experiments
M Choi, ZF Eren-Dogu, C Colangelo, J Cottrell, MR Hoopmann, EA Kapp, ...
J Proteome Res 16 (2), 945-957, 2017
Spectral profiles, a novel representation of tandem mass spectra and their applications for de novo peptide sequencing and identification
S Kim, N Bandeira, PA Pevzner
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 8 (6), 1391-1400, 2009
Live cell chemical profiling of temporal redox dynamics in a photoautotrophic cyanobacterium
NC Sadler, MR Melnicki, MH Serres, ED Merkley, WB Chrisler, EA Hill, ...
ACS chemical biology 9 (1), 291-300, 2014
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