Ahsan Ashraf
Cited by
Cited by
Sub-50-nm self-assembled nanotextures for enhanced broadband antireflection in silicon solar cells
A Rahman, A Ashraf, H Xin, X Tong, P Sutter, MD Eisaman, CT Black
Nature communications 6 (1), 5963, 2015
Spontaneous and strong multi-layer graphene n-doping on soda-lime glass and its application in graphene-semiconductor junctions
D Dissanayake, A Ashraf, D Dwyer, K Kisslinger, L Zhang, Y Pang, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 21070, 2016
Hole blocking, electron transporting and window layer for optimized CuIn (1− x) Ga (x) Se2 solar cells
NM Dissanayake, M Eisaman, A Ashraf, N Goroff, X Ang
US Patent 10,333,017, 2019
Enhanced photovoltaic performance of ultrathin Si solar cells via semiconductor nanocrystal sensitization: energy transfer vs. optical coupling effects
S Hoang, A Ashraf, MD Eisaman, D Nykypanchuk, CY Nam
Nanoscale 8 (11), 5873-5883, 2016
Confinement-induced reduction in phase segregation and interchain disorder in bulk heterojunction films
A Ashraf, DMNM Dissanayake, DS Germack, C Weiland, MD Eisaman
ACS nano 8 (1), 323-331, 2014
Mapping spatially resolved charge collection probability within P3HT: PCBM bulk heterojunction photovoltaics
DMNM Dissanayake, A Ashraf, Y Pang, MD Eisaman
Advanced Energy Materials 4 (2), 1300525, 2014
The effect of confinement on the crystalline microstructure of polymer: fullerene bulk heterojunctions
A Ashraf, D Dissanayake, MD Eisaman
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (36), 23326-23331, 2015
Sub-50-nm self-assembled nanotextures for enhanced broadband antireflection in silicon solar cells, Nat. Commun. 6 (2015) 5963
A Rahman, A Ashraf, H Xin, X Tong, P Sutter, MD Eisaman, CT Black
dx. doi. org/10.1038/ncomms6963, 0
Formation of antireflective surfaces
CT Black, A Rahman, M Eisaman, A Ashraf
US Patent 10,290,507, 2019
Measuring charge carrier mobility in photovoltaic devices with micron-scale resolution
A Ashraf, D Dissanayake, MD Eisaman
Applied Physics Letters 106 (11), 2015
Guided-mode quantum efficiency: A novel optoelectronic characterization technique
D Dissanayake, A Ashraf, Y Pang, MD Eisaman
Review of Scientific Instruments 83 (11), 2012
Hyperspectral laser beam induced current system for solar cell characterization
A Ashraf, KO Davis, K Öğütman, WV Schoenfeld, MD Eisaman
2015 IEEE 42nd Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), 1-4, 2015
Formation of antireflective surfaces
CT Black, A Rahman, M Eisaman, A Ashraf
US Patent 11,390,518, 2022
Formation of antireflective surfaces
CT Black, A Rahman, M Eisaman, A Ashraf
US Patent 12,122,668, 2024
Formation of antireflective surfaces
CT Black, A Rahman, M Eisaman, A Ashraf
Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), Upton, NY (United States), 2022
Formation of antireflective surfaces
CT Black, A Rahman, M Eisaman, A Ashraf
US Patent 10,882,739, 2021
Nanoscale Spatial Inhomogeneity in Photovoltaic Devices
A Ashraf
State University of New York at Stony Brook, 2016
Hyperspectral guided-mode quantum efficiency: A novel characterization technique for thin-film photovoltaics
N Dissanayake, A Ashraf, Y Pang, MD Eisaman
2013 IEEE 39th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 1406-1411, 2013
Algebraic Coding Theory
A Ashraf, A Feldman
Quantum Time: Time as a Dynamical Variable
A Ashraf
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Articles 1–20