Bruno Coutinho
Bruno Coutinho
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Divergence analysis and optimizations
B Coutinho, D Sampaio, FMQ Pereira, W Meira Jr
2011 International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation …, 2011
Anthill: A scalable run-time environment for data mining applications
RA Ferreira, W Meira, D Guedes, LMA Drummond, B Coutinho, ...
17th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance …, 2005
Load balancing on stateful clustered web servers
G Teodoro, T Tavares, B Coutinho, W Meira, D Guedes
Proceedings. 15th Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance …, 2003
Profiling general purpose gpu applications
BR Coutinho, GLM Teodoro, RS Oliveira, DOG Neto, RAC Ferreira
Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, 2009. SBAC-PAD'09 …, 2009
Profiling divergences in gpu applications
B Coutinho, D Sampaio, FMQ Pereira, W Meira Jr
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 25 (6), 775-789, 2013
Performance debugging of GPGPU applications with the divergence map
B Coutinho, D Sampaio, FMQ Pereira, W Meira Jr
2010 22nd International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High …, 2010
AnthillSched: A scheduling strategy for irregular and iterative I/O-intensive parallel jobs
L Góes, P Guerra, B Coutinho, L Rocha, W Meira, R Ferreira, D Guedes, ...
Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing, 108-122, 2005
Populism and the people in Lula's political discourse: Bridging linguistic and social theory
B Coutinho, AC Lopes, D do Nascimento
Revista de Estudos da linguagem 25 (2), 681-710, 2017
Assessing the impact of distribution on e-business services
B Coutinho, G Teodoro, T Tavares, R Pinto, W Meira Jr, D Guedes
First Seminar on Advanced Research in Electronic Business, 2002
Political quarrel overshadows vaccination advocacy: How the vaccine debate on Brazilian Twitter was framed by anti-vaxxers during Bolsonaro administration
M Verjovsky, MP Barreto, I Carmo, B Coutinho, L Thomer, S Lifschitz, ...
Vaccine 41 (39), 5715-5721, 2023
Proposta de assistente virtual inteligente para estudantes das instituições federais de ensino profissional
P Sabaini, B Clemente, B Coutinho
Anais do VII Encontro Nacional de Computacao dos Institutos Federais, 61-68, 2020
Busca360: A Search Application in the Context of Top-Side Asset Integrity Management in the Oil & Gas Industry
YT Izquierdo, M Lemos, C Oliveira, B Novelli, GM García, G Coelho, ...
Anais do XXXIX Simpósio Brasileiro de Bancos de Dados, 104-116, 2024
Análise de Dados para Comunicação Política a partir de um Sistema de Coleta de Tweets
AAP Heine, B Coutinho, M Barreto, N Xavier, MV Villas, A Ituassu, ...
Simpósio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados (SBBD), 49-55, 2021
Desempenho e disponibilidade em sistemas distribuídos em larga escala
BR Coutinho
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2005
Estratégias de Balanceamento de Carga em Servidores Web Transacionais
T Tavares, G Teodoro, D Nogueira, B Coutinho, D Guedes, W Meira Jr
A Scalable Approach for the Distribution of E-commerce Services Based on Application Level Active Networks
F Benevenuto, B Vitorino, B Coutinho, D Guedes, W Meira Jr
Mineração Assíncrona de Regras de Associação em Sistemas de Memória Compartilhada-Distribuída
A Veloso, B Coutinho, B Pôssas, G Menezes, W Meira Jr, M Carvalho, ...
Simpósio em Sistemas Computacionais de Alto Desempenho (SSCAD), 9-16, 2001
Utilização de técnicas de análise estática e dinâmica para otimização de aplicações de propósito geral em GPUs
BR Coutinho
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2011
Fault-tolerance in filter-labeled-stream applications
B Coutinho, D Guedes, W Meira Jr, RA Ferreira
19th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance …, 2007
Populism and the people in Lula’s political discourse: Bridging linguistic and social theory Populismo eo povo no discurso político de Lula: Uma ponte entre teoria linguística …
B Coutinho, AC Lopes, DN e Silva
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Статии 1–20