Debbi Stanistreet
Debbi Stanistreet
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Quantitative methods for health research: a practical interactive guide to epidemiology and statistics
N Bruce, D Pope, D Stanistreet
John Wiley & Sons, 2018
Enablers and barriers to large-scale uptake of improved solid fuel stoves: a systematic review
EA Rehfuess, E Puzzolo, D Stanistreet, D Pope, NG Bruce
Environmental health perspectives 122 (2), 120-130, 2014
Clean fuels for resource-poor settings: A systematic review of barriers and enablers to adoption and sustained use
E Puzzolo, D Pope, D Stanistreet, EA Rehfuess, NG Bruce
Environmental research 146, 218-234, 2016
The social construction of gender and its influence on suicide: a review of the literature
S Payne, V Swami, DL Stanistreet
Journal of Men's Health 5 (1), 23-35, 2008
Gender, health inequalities and welfare state regimes: a cross-national study of 13 European countries
C Bambra, D Pope, V Swami, D Stanistreet, A Roskam, A Kunst, ...
Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 63 (1), 38-44, 2009
General health mediates the relationship between loneliness, life satisfaction and depression: A study with Malaysian medical students
V Swami, T Chamorro-Premuzic, D Sinniah, T Maniam, K Kannan, ...
Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology 42, 161-166, 2007
Predicting students' academic performance based on school and socio-demographic characteristics
T Thiele, A Singleton, D Pope, D Stanistreet
Studies in Higher Education 41 (8), 1424-1446, 2016
Working for health? Evidence from systematic reviews on the effects on health and health inequalities of organisational changes to the psychosocial work environment
C Bambra, M Gibson, AJ Sowden, K Wright, M Whitehead, M Petticrew
Preventive medicine 48 (5), 454-461, 2009
Factors influencing the large-scale uptake by households of cleaner and more efficient household energy technologies
E Puzzolo, D Stanistreet, D Pope, N Bruce, E Rehfuess
EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education …, 2013
Is patriarchy the source of men’s higher mortality?
D Stanistreet, C Bambra, A Scott-Samuel
Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 59 (10), 873-876, 2005
Assessment of traditional and improved stove use on household air pollution and personal exposures in rural western Kenya
F Yip, B Christensen, K Sircar, L Naeher, N Bruce, D Pennise, M Lozier, ...
Environment international 99, 185-191, 2017
Experience of disadvantage: The influence of identity on engagement in working class students’ educational trajectories to an elite university
T Thiele, D Pope, A Singleton, D Snape, D Stanistreet
British Educational Research Journal 43 (1), 49-67, 2017
What men really want: a qualitative investigation of men's health needs from the Halton and St Helens Primary Care Trust men's health promotion project
R Coles, F Watkins, V Swami, S Jones, S Woolf, D Stanistreet
British journal of health psychology 15 (4), 921-939, 2010
Hegemonic masculinity, structural violence and health inequalities
A Scott-Samuel, D Stanistreet, P Crawshaw
Routledge 19 (3-4), 287-292, 2009
Starting a home and mobile HIV testing service in a rural area of South Africa
H Maheswaran, H Thulare, D Stanistreet, F Tanser, ML Newell
JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 59 (3), e43-e46, 2012
Factors influencing preferences for height: A replication and extension
V Swami, A Furnham, N Balakumar, C Williams, K Canaway, D Stanistreet
Personality and Individual Differences 45 (5), 395-400, 2008
Accident or suicide? Predictors of coroners' decisions in suicide and accident verdicts
D Stanistreet, S Taylor, V Jeffrey, M Gabbay
Medicine, Science and the Law 41 (2), 111-115, 2001
Household determinants of liquified petroleum gas (LPG) as a cooking fuel in SW Cameroon
D Pope, N Bruce, J Higgerson, L Hyseni, D Stanistreet, B MBatchou, ...
EcoHealth 15, 729-743, 2018
‘It has not ruined my life; it has made my life better’: a qualitative investigation of the experiences and future aspirations of young mothers from the North West of England
E Anwar, D Stanistreet
Journal of Public Health 37 (2), 269-276, 2015
Using photovoice methods as a community-based participatory research tool to advance uptake of clean cooking and improve health: the LPG adoption in Cameroon evaluation studies
S Ronzi, E Puzzolo, L Hyseni, J Higgerson, D Stanistreet, MBNB Hugo, ...
Social Science & Medicine 228, 30-40, 2019
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