Robert Payn
Robert Payn
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Channel water balance and exchange with subsurface flow along a mountain headwater stream in Montana, United States
RA Payn, MN Gooseff, BL McGlynn, KE Bencala, SM Wondzell
Water Resources Research 45 (11), 2009
PRMS-IV, the precipitation-runoff modeling system, version 4
SL Markstrom, RS Regan, LE Hay, RJ Viger, RMT Webb, RA Payn, ...
U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods, book 6, chap. B7, 2015
Estimation of stream nutrient uptake from nutrient addition experiments
RA Payn, JR Webster, PJ Mulholland, HM Valett, WK Dodds
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 3 (3), 174-182, 2005
PRMS-IV, the precipitation-runoff modeling system
SL Markstrom, RS Regan, LE Hay, RJ Viger, RM Webb, RA Payn, ...
US Geological Survey: Reston, VA, USA, 2015
Exploring changes in the spatial distribution of stream baseflow generation during a seasonal recession
RA Payn, MN Gooseff, BL McGlynn, KE Bencala, SM Wondzell
Water Resources Research 48 (4), 2012
Identifiability of transient storage model parameters along a mountain stream
C Kelleher, T Wagener, B McGlynn, AS Ward, MN Gooseff, RA Payn
Water Resources Research 49 (9), 5290-5306, 2013
Linking phylogenetic and functional diversity to nutrient spiraling in microbial mats from Lower Kane Cave (USA)
AS Engel, DB Meisinger, ML Porter, RA Payn, M Schmid, LA Stern, ...
The ISME journal 4 (1), 98-110, 2010
Relative influences of the river channel, floodplain surface, and alluvial aquifer on simulated hydrologic residence time in a montane river floodplain
AM Helton, GC Poole, RA Payn, C Izurieta, JA Stanford
Geomorphology 205, 17-26, 2014
Variations in surface water‐ground water interactions along a headwater mountain stream: Comparisons between transient storage and water balance analyses
AS Ward, RA Payn, MN Gooseff, BL McGlynn, KE Bencala, CA Kelleher, ...
Water Resources Research 49 (6), 3359-3374, 2013
Comparison of instantaneous and constant‐rate stream tracer experiments through non‐parametric analysis of residence time distributions
RA Payn, MN Gooseff, DA Benson, OA Cirpka, JP Zarnetske, WB Bowden, ...
Water Resources Research 44 (6), 2008
A New Global Storage‐Area‐Depth Dataset for Modeling Reservoirs in Land Surface and Earth System Models
W Yigzaw, HY Li, Y Demissie, MI Hejazi, LR Leung, N Voisin, RA Payn
Water Resources Research, 2018
Water and nitrate loss from dryland agricultural soils is controlled by management, soils, and weather
WA Sigler, SA Ewing, CA Jones, RA Payn, P Miller, M Maneta
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 304, 107158, 2020
A software tool to assess uncertainty in transient-storage model parameters using Monte Carlo simulations
AS Ward, CA Kelleher, SJK Mason, T Wagener, N McIntyre, B McGlynn, ...
Freshwater Science 36 (1), 195-217, 2017
Connections among soil, ground, and surface water chemistries characterize nitrogen loss from an agricultural landscape in the upper Missouri River Basin
WA Sigler, SA Ewing, CA Jones, RA Payn, ENJ Brookshire, J Klassen, ...
Journal of Hydrology 556, 247-261, 2018
Comparison of in-channel mobile–immobile zone exchange during instantaneous and constant rate stream tracer additions: Implications for design and interpretation of non …
MN Gooseff, RA Payn, JP Zarnetske, WB Bowden, JP McNamara, ...
Journal of Hydrology 357 (1-2), 112-124, 2008
Intrastream variability in solute transport: Hydrologic and geomorphic controls on solute retention
S Patil, TP Covino, AI Packman, BL McGlynn, JD Drummond, RA Payn, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 118 (2), 413-422, 2013
Scaling flow path processes to fluvial landscapes: An integrated field and model assessment of temperature and dissolved oxygen dynamics in a river‐floodplain‐aquifer system
AM Helton, GC Poole, RA Payn, C Izurieta, JA Stanford
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 117 (G4), 2012
A coupled metabolic-hydraulic model and calibration scheme for estimating whole-river metabolism during dynamic flow conditions
RA Payn, J R. O. Hall, TA Kennedy, GC Poole, LA Marshall
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 2017
Isotopic signals in an agricultural watershed suggest denitrification is locally intensive in riparian areas but extensive in upland soils
WA Sigler, SA Ewing, SD Wankel, CA Jones, S Leuthold, ENJ Brookshire, ...
Biogeochemistry 158 (2), 251-268, 2022
A generalized optimization model of microbially driven aquatic biogeochemistry based on thermodynamic, kinetic, and stoichiometric theory
RA Payn, AM Helton, GC Poole, C Izurieta, AJ Burgin, ES Bernhardt
Ecological Modelling 294, 1-18, 2014
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