Guocheng Yang
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Cited by
Molecular chaperone Hsp90 stabilizes Pih1/Nop17 to maintain R2TP complex activity that regulates snoRNA accumulation
R Zhao, Y Kakihara, A Gribun, J Huen, G Yang, M Khanna, M Costanzo, ...
The Journal of cell biology 180 (3), 563-578, 2008
Microstructure refinement of Fe 40 Ni 40 B 20 alloy in non-equilibrium solidification: possibility of nanostructure formation
K Zhang, F Liu, JF Xu, GC Yang
Materials Science and Technology 28 (7), 844-849, 2012
Synthesis and Fluorescence Properties of Pyrazole Oxadiazole Derivatives
DF Li, Y Wang, GC Yang, XR Ma, S Han, RG Song, ZY Xie
Advanced Materials Research 455, 565-574, 2012
In vitro galax seed germination under different plant growth regulator, culture medium strength and pH factors.
GC Yang, ZG Lu
Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Plant Growth Regulation …, 2009
Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectrum of Dye Molecules in Nanoparticle Systems
QM Ma, YW Wang, ZF Jiao, SY Ran, GC Yang
Shandong Kexue- Shandong Science 23 (2), 28-32, 2010
Self-assembly of Elatin-like Peptides: Studies by Single Molecule Imaging
G Yang
Correlated Single Molecule Fluorescence and Scanning Probe Microscopies: Applications to the Study of Soft Materials
AL Slade, JE Shaw, G Yang, N Chhabra, CM Yip
Mechanical Properties of Bioinspired and Biological Materials 844, 145-154, 2004
205.1-Pos Board# B79. 1-Self-Assembly of Two-Dimensional Peptide Nanostructures at Ordered Interfaces
G Yang, K Woodhouse, C Yip
Biophysical Journal 84, 3490-3490, 2003
An in Situ Atomic Force Microscopy, AFM, Investigation of Tropoelastin-like Peptide Assembly at Ordered Interfaces
G Yang
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C Sensitive, R Zhao, Y Kakihara, A Gribun, J Huen, G Yang, M Khanna, ...
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