André Xuereb
André Xuereb
Professor, Department of Physics, University of Malta
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Ultrastable laser interferometry for earthquake detection with terrestrial and submarine cables
G Marra, C Clivati, R Luckett, A Tampellini, J Kronjäger, L Wright, A Mura, ...
Science 361, 486, 2018
Strong coupling and long-range collective interactions in optomechanical arrays
A Xuereb, C Genes, A Dantan
Physical Review Letters 109 (22), 223601, 2012
Perspective on quantum thermodynamics
J Millen, A Xuereb
New Journal of Physics 18 (1), 011002, 2016
Optomechanics for quantum technologies
S Barzanjeh, A Xuereb, S Gröblacher, M Paternostro, CA Regal, EM Weig
Nature Physics 18 (1), 15-24, 2022
Dissipative optomechanics in a Michelson-Sagnac interferometer
A Xuereb, R Schnabel, K Hammerer
Physical Review Letters 107 (21), 213604, 2011
Entanglement distribution over a 96-km-long submarine optical fiber
S Wengerowsky, SK Joshi, F Steinlechner, JR Zichi, SM Dobrovolskiy, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 116 (14), 6684 …, 2019
Assessing the nonequilibrium thermodynamics in a quenched quantum many-body system via single projective measurements
L Fusco, S Pigeon, TJG Apollaro, A Xuereb, L Mazzola, M Campisi, ...
Physical Review X 4 (3), 031029, 2014
Reconfigurable long-range phonon dynamics in optomechanical arrays
A Xuereb, C Genes, G Pupillo, M Paternostro, A Dantan
Physical Review Letters 112 (13), 133604, 2014
Quantum physics in space
A Belenchia, M Carlesso, Ö Bayraktar, D Dequal, I Derkach, G Gasbarri, ...
Physics Reports 951, 1-70, 2022
Manipulating the flow of thermal noise in quantum devices
S Barzanjeh, M Aquilina, A Xuereb
Physical Review Letters 120 (6), 060601, 2018
Cold atoms in space: community workshop summary and proposed road-map
I Alonso, C Alpigiani, B Altschul, H Araújo, G Arduini, J Arlt, L Badurina, ...
EPJ Quantum Technology 9 (1), 1-55, 2022
Thermodynamic consistency of the optomechanical master equation
MT Naseem, A Xuereb, ÖE Müstecaplıoğlu
Physical Review A 98 (5), 052123, 2018
Scattering theory of cooling and heating in optomechanical systems
A Xuereb, P Domokos, J Asbóth, P Horak, T Freegarde
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 79 (5), 053810, 2009
Collectively enhanced optomechanical coupling in periodic arrays of scatterers
A Xuereb, C Genes, A Dantan
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88 (5), 053803, 2013
Passively stable distribution of polarisation entanglement over 192 km of deployed optical fibre
S Wengerowsky, SK Joshi, F Steinlechner, JR Zichi, B Liu, T Scheidl, ...
npj Quantum Information 6 (1), 5, 2020
Optical frequency transfer over submarine fiber links
C Clivati, A Tampellini, A Mura, F Levi, G Marra, P Galea, A Xuereb, ...
Optica 5 (8), 893-901, 2018
Out-of-equilibrium thermodynamics of quantum optomechanical systems
M Brunelli, A Xuereb, A Ferraro, G De Chiara, N Kiesel, M Paternostro
New Journal of Physics 17 (3), 035016, 2015
Floquet phonon lasing in multimode optomechanical systems
L Mercadé, K Pelka, R Burgwal, A Xuereb, A Martínez, E Verhagen
Physical Review Letters 127 (7), 073601, 2021
Heat transport in harmonic oscillator systems with thermal baths: application to optomechanical arrays
A Xuereb, A Imparato, A Dantan
New Journal of Physics 17 (5), 055013, 2015
Selectable linear or quadratic coupling in an optomechanical system
A Xuereb, M Paternostro
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (2), 023830, 2013
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