Vasilios A. Siris
Vasilios A. Siris
Department of Informatics, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
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A survey of information-centric networking research
G Xylomenos, CN Ververidis, VA Siris, N Fotiou, C Tsilopoulos, ...
IEEE communications surveys & tutorials 16 (2), 1024-1049, 2013
Spectrum assignment in cognitive radio networks: A comprehensive survey
EZ Tragos, S Zeadally, AG Fragkiadakis, VA Siris
IEEE communications surveys & tutorials 15 (3), 1108-1135, 2013
Application of anomaly detection algorithms for detecting SYN flooding attacks
VA Siris, F Papagalou
IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 2004. GLOBECOM'04. 4, 2050-2054, 2004
Application of anomaly detection algorithms for detecting SYN flooding attacks
VA Siris, F Papagalou
Computer communications 29 (9), 1433-1442, 2006
Caching and mobility support in a publish-subscribe internet architecture
G Xylomenos, X Vasilakos, C Tsilopoulos, VA Siris, GC Polyzos
IEEE Communications Magazine 50 (7), 52-58, 2012
Proactive selective neighbor caching for enhancing mobility support in information-centric networks
X Vasilakos, VA Siris, GC Polyzos, M Pomonis
Proc. of 2nd SIGCOMM ICN Workshop on Information-Centric Networking (ICN …, 2012
A contention-aware routing metric for multi-rate multi-radio mesh networks
M Genetzakis, VA Siris
2008 5th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and …, 2008
A study of simple usage‐based charging schemes for broadband networks
C Courcoubetis, FP Kelly, VA Siris, R Weber
Telecommunication systems 15, 323-343, 2000
Application of the many sources asymptotic and effective bandwidths to traffic engineering
C Courcoubetis, VA Siris, GD Stamoulis
Telecommunication systems 12, 167-191, 1999
Integration of pricing and flow control for ABR services in ATM networks
C Courcoubetis, VA Siris, GD Stamoulis
Proceedings of Globecom’96 43, 1996
Managing and pricing service level agreements for differentiated services
C Courcoubetis, VA Siris
1999 Seventh International Workshop on Quality of Service. IWQoS'99.(Cat. No …, 1999
Interledger approaches
VA Siris, P Nikander, S Voulgaris, N Fotiou, D Lagutin, GC Polyzos
Ieee Access 7, 89948-89966, 2019
Resource control for elastic traffic in CDMA networks
VA Siris
Proceedings of the 8th annual international conference on Mobile computing …, 2002
Enhancing mobile data offloading with mobility prediction and prefetching
VA Siris, D Kalyvas
Proc. of 7th ACM MOBICOM Workshop on Mobility in the Evolving Internet …, 2012
Optimal CWmin selection for achieving proportional fairness in multi-rate 802.11 e WLANs: test-bed implementation and evaluation
VA Siris, G Stamatakis
Proceedings of the 1st international workshop on Wireless network testbeds …, 2006
Charging communication networks: from theory to practice
DJ Songhurst
Elsevier, 1999
Adjacent channel interference in 802.11 a is harmful: Testbed validation of a simple quantification model
V Angelakis, S Papadakis, VA Siris, A Traganitis
IEEE Communications Magazine 49 (3), 160-166, 2011
A market managed multi-service Internet (M3I)
B Briscoe, V Darlagiannis, O Heckman, H Oliver, V Siris, D Songhurst, ...
Computer Communications 26 (4), 404-414, 2003
Efficient proactive caching for supporting seamless mobility
VA Siris, X Vasilakos, GC Polyzos
Proceeding of IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile …, 2014
Application and evaluation of large deviation techniques for traffic engineering in broadband networks
C Courcoubetis, VA Siris, GD Stamoulis
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 26 (1), 212-221, 1998
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