Analia Schlosser
Analia Schlosser
Eitan Berglas School of Economics, Tel Aviv University
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Mechanisms and impacts of gender peer effects at school
V Lavy, A Schlosser
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 3 (2), 1-33, 2011
Multiple experiments for the causal link between the quantity and quality of children
J Angrist, V Lavy, A Schlosser
Journal of Labor Economics 28 (4), 773-824, 2010
Inside the black box of ability peer effects: Evidence from variation in the proportion of low achievers in the classroom
V Lavy, MD Paserman, A Schlosser
The Economic Journal 122 (559), 208-237, 2012
Parental leave and mothers' careers: The relative importance of job protection and cash benefits
R Lalive, A Schlosser, A Steinhauer, J Zweimüller
Review of Economic Studies 81 (1), 219-265, 2014
Targeted remedial education for underperforming teenagers: Costs and benefits
V Lavy, A Schlosser
Journal of Labor Economics 23 (4), 839-874, 2005
Public preschool and the labor supply of Arab mothers: Evidence from a natural experiment
A Schlosser
Manuscript, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2005
Prenatal sex selection and girls’ well‐being: Evidence from India
L Hu, A Schlosser
The Economic Journal 125 (587), 1227-1261, 2015
Differential performance in high versus low stakes tests: evidence from the GRE test
A Schlosser, Z Neeman, Y Attali
The Economic Journal 129 (623), 2916-2948, 2019
Immigration and the short-and long-term impact of improved prenatal conditions
V Lavy, A Schlosser, A Shany
The Economic Journal, ueae015, 2024
Trends in prenatal sex selection and girls’ nutritional status in India
L Hu, A Schlosser
CESifo Economic Studies 58 (2), 348-372, 2012
Leaving No Child Behind: Two Paths to School Accountability. Working Paper.
DN Figlio, CE Rouse, A Schlosser
Urban Institute (NJ1), 2009
Fostering Soft Skills in Active Labor Market Programs: Evidence from a Large-Scale RCT
A Schlosser, Y Shanan
Journal of Human Resources, 2025
Bureau for Research in Economic Analysis of Development
V Lavy, A Schlosser
Policy paper, 2004
Evaluating the Impact of Increased Access to Public Bus Transportation on Segregated Minorities: Evidence from Israel
H Avivi, A Schlosser, S Weisburd
Maurice Falk Institute for Economic Research in Israel. Discussion paper …, 2021
New Evidence on the Causal Link between the Quantity and Quality of Children
A Schlosser, JD Angrist, V Lavy
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2005
How Do Employment Protection and Parental Leave Benefits Affect Mother's Post-birth Careers
A Schlosser, J Zweimuller, R Lalive
P. Sapir Center for Development, Tel-Aviv University, 2010
Does Education Really Help? Skill, Work, and Inequality. By EDWARD N. WOLFF
A Schlosser
Economica 76 (302), 406-407, 2009
Inside the Black Box of Ability Peer Effects: Evidence from Variation in Low Achievers in the Classroom
A Schlosser, V Lavy, MD Paserman
Pinhas Sapir Center for Development, 2008
Targeted remedial education for under-performing teenagers
V Lavy, A Schlosser
Short-and Long-Term Effects of Universal Preschool: Evidence from the Arab Population in Israel
E DeMalach, A Schlosser
CESifo Working Paper, 2024
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Articles 1–20