Susan Godlonton
Cited by
Cited by
Peer effects in learning HIV results
S Godlonton, R Thornton
Journal of development economics 97 (1), 118-129, 2012
Does a ban on informal health providers save lives? Evidence from Malawi
S Godlonton, EN Okeke
Journal of development economics 118, 112-132, 2016
Responding to risk: Circumcision, information, and HIV prevention
S Godlonton, A Munthali, R Thornton
Review of Economics and Statistics, 2016
The demand for medical male circumcision
J Chinkhumba, S Godlonton, R Thornton
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 6 (2), 152-177, 2014
Social networks, employment and worker discouragement: Evidence from South Africa
J Burns, S Godlonton, M Keswell
Labour Economics 17 (2), 336-344, 2010
Measuring postharvest losses at the farm level in Malawi
K Ambler, A De Brauw, S Godlonton
Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 62 (1), 139-160, 2018
Learning from others' HIV testing: Updating beliefs and responding to risk
S Godlonton, RL Thornton
American Economic Review 103 (3), 439-444, 2013
Agriculture support services in Malawi: Direct effects, complementarities, and time dynamics
K Ambler, A De Brauw, S Godlonton
IFPRI Discussion Paper 1725, 2018
Anchoring Bias in Recall Data: Evidence from Central America
S Godlonton, MA Hernandez, M Murphy
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 100 (2), 479-501, 2017
Perceptions of male circumcision among married couples in rural Malawi
E Shacham, S Godlonton, RL Thornton
Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (JIAPAC …, 2014
Cash transfers and management advice for agriculture: Evidence from Senegal
K Ambler, A de Brauw, S Godlonton
The World Bank Economic Review 34 (3), 597-617, 2020
The impact of health on poverty: Evidence from the South African integrated family survey
S Godlonton, M Keswell
South african journal of economics 73 (1), 133-148, 2005
What do people actually learn from public health campaigns? Incorrect inferences about male circumcision and female HIV infection risk among men and women in Malawi
B Maughan-Brown, S Godlonton, R Thornton, AS Venkataramani
AIDS and Behavior 19, 1170-1177, 2015
Doing wrong to do right? Social preferences and dishonest behavior
EN Okeke, S Godlonton
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 106, 124-139, 2014
Locking crops to unlock investment: Experimental evidence on warrantage in Burkina Faso
C Delavallade, S Godlonton
Journal of Development Economics 160, 102959, 2023
Measuring postharvest losses at the farm level in Malawi
K Ambler, A de Brauw, S Godlonton
Intl Food Policy Res Inst, 2017
Lump-Sum transfers for agriculture and household decision making
K Ambler, A De Brauw, S Godlonton
Williams College, 2019
Employment Risk and Job-Seeker Performance
S Godlonton
Journal of Human Resources 55 (1), 194-239, 2020
Cash transfers and management advice for agriculture: Evidence from Senegal
K Ambler, A De Brauw, S Godlonton
IFPRI Discussion Paper 1659, 2017
Geospatial analysis of condom availability and accessibility in urban Malawi
E Shacham, R Thornton, S Godlonton, R Murphy, J Gilliland
International journal of STD & AIDS 27 (1), 44-50, 2016
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Articles 1–20