Ian T. Foster
Cited by
Cited by
The Grid: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure
I Foster, I Kesselman
Morgan-Kaufmann, 2002
The Grid 2: Blueprint for a new computing infrastructure
Elsevier, 2003
The Grid 2: Blueprint for a new computing infrastructure
Elsevier, 2003
The anatomy of the grid: Enabling scalable virtual organizations
I Foster, C Kesselman, S Tuecke
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 15 (3 …, 2001
The physiology of the grid
I Foster, C Kesselman, JM Nick, S Tuecke
Grid computing: making the global infrastructure a reality, 217-249, 2003
Globus: A metacomputing infrastructure toolkit
I Foster, C Kesselman
The International Journal of Supercomputer Applications and High Performance …, 1997
Cloud computing and grid computing 360-degree compared
I Foster, Y Zhao, I Raicu, S Lu
2008 grid computing environments workshop, 1-10, 2008
XSEDE: accelerating scientific discovery
J Towns, T Cockerill, M Dahan, I Foster, K Gaither, A Grimshaw, ...
Computing in science & engineering 16 (5), 62-74, 2014
Designing and building parallel programs: concepts and tools for parallel software engineering
I Foster
Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc., 1995
Grid information services for distributed resource sharing
K Czajkowski, S Fitzgerald, I Foster, C Kesselman
Proceedings 10th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance …, 2001
Mapping the gnutella network: Properties of large-scale peer-to-peer systems and implications for system design
M Ripeanu, I Foster, A Iamnitchi
arXiv preprint cs/0209028, 2002
Grid services for distributed system integration
I Foster, C Kesselman, JM Nick, S Tuecke
Computer 35 (6), 37-46, 2002
A security architecture for computational grids
I Foster, C Kesselman, G Tsudik, S Tuecke
Proceedings of the 5th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications …, 1998
What is the grid? a three point checklist
I Foster
http://www-fp. mcs. anl. gov/~ foster/Articles/WhatIsTheGrid. pdf, 2002
Condor-G: A computation management agent for multi-institutional grids
J Frey, T Tannenbaum, M Livny, I Foster, S Tuecke
Cluster Computing 5, 237-246, 2002
Mapping the gnutella network: Properties of large-scale peer-to-peer systems and implications for system design
M Ripeanu, I Foster, A Iamnitchi
arXiv preprint cs/0209028, 2002
The data grid: Towards an architecture for the distributed management and analysis of large scientific datasets
A Chervenak, I Foster, C Kesselman, C Salisbury, S Tuecke
Journal of network and computer applications 23 (3), 187-200, 2000
Globus toolkit version 4: Software for service-oriented systems
I Foster
IFIP international conference on network and parallel computing, 2-13, 2005
Virtual infrastructure management in private and hybrid clouds
B Sotomayor, RS Montero, IM Llorente, I Foster
IEEE Internet computing 13 (5), 14-22, 2009
A resource management architecture for metacomputing systems
K Czajkowski, I Foster, N Karonis, C Kesselman, S Martin, W Smith, ...
Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing: IPPS/SPDP'98 Workshop …, 1998
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Articles 1–20