Caitlin Gabor
Cited by
Cited by
Sequential mate choice by multiply mating smooth newts: females become more choosy
CR Gabor, TR Halliday
Behavioral Ecology 8 (2), 162-166, 1997
Geographical variation in reproductive character displacement in mate choice by male sailfin mollies
CR Gabor, MJ Ryan
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2001
Innate and Learned Predator Recognition Mediated by Chemical Signals in Eurycea nana
KJ Epp, CR Gabor
Ethology 114 (6), 607-615, 2008
Association patterns of sailfin mollies (Poecilia latipinna): alternative hypotheses
CR Gabor
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 46 (5), 333-340, 1999
Resource quality affects the agonistic behaviour of territorial salamanders
CR Gabor, RG Jaeger
Animal Behaviour 49 (1), 71-79, 1995
A Non-Invasive Stress Assay Shows That Tadpole Populations Infected with Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis Have Elevated Corticosterone Levels
CR Gabor, MC Fisher, J Bosch
PloS one 8 (2), e56054, 2013
Fight fungi with fungi: antifungal properties of the amphibian mycobiome
PJ Kearns, S Fischer, S Fernández-Beaskoetxea, CR Gabor, J Bosch, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 8, 2494, 2017
A non-invasive water-borne hormone assay for amphibians
CR Gabor, J Bosch, JN Fries, DR Davis
Amphibia-Reptilia 34 (2), 151-162, 2013
Correlational test of Mathis' hypothesis that bigger salamanders have better territories
CR Gabor
Copeia 1995 (3), 729-735, 1995
A non-invasive water-borne assay of stress hormones in aquatic salamanders
CR Gabor, KC Zabierek, DS Kim, LA da Barbiano, MJ Mondelli, ...
Copeia 104 (1), 172-181, 2016
Behavioral ecology of the eastern red-backed salamander: 50 years of research
RG Jaeger, B Gollmann, CD Anthony, CR Gabor, NR Kohn
Oxford University Press, 2016
Elevated corticosterone levels and changes in amphibian behavior are associated with Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) infection and Bd lineage
CR Gabor, MC Fisher, J Bosch
PLoS One 10 (4), e0122685, 2015
Female choice, male interference, and sperm precedence in the red-spotted newt
CR Gabor, JD Krenz, RG Jaeger
Behavioral Ecology 11 (1), 115-124, 2000
Discriminating males alter sperm production between species
AS Aspbury, CR Gabor
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (45), 15970-15973, 2004
Non-invasive methods for measuring and monitoring stress physiology in imperiled amphibians
EJ Narayan, ZR Forsburg, DR Davis, CR Gabor
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7, 431, 2019
Differential Sperm Priming by Male Sailfin Mollies (Poecilia latipinna): Effects of Female and Male Size
AS Aspbury, CR Gabor
Ethology 110 (3), 193-202, 2004
Effects of Turbidity and Visual vs. Chemical Cues on Anti‐Predator Response in the Endangered Fountain Darter (Etheostoma fonticola)
LJ Swanbrow Becker, CR Gabor
Ethology 118 (10), 994-1000, 2012
Asexuals looking for sex: conflict between species and mate-quality recognition in sailfin mollies (Poecilia latipinna)
JM Gumm, CR Gabor
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 58, 558-565, 2005
Do host‐associated gut microbiota mediate the effect of an herbicide on disease risk in frogs?
SA Knutie, CR Gabor, KD Kohl, JR Rohr
Journal of Animal Ecology 87 (2), 489-499, 2018
Urbanization is associated with elevated corticosterone in Jollyville Plateau salamanders
CR Gabor, DR Davis, DS Kim, KC Zabierek, NF Bendik
Ecological Indicators 85, 229-235, 2018
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Articles 1–20