Joao Lima Rego
Joao Lima Rego
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A High-Resolution Global Dataset of Extreme Sea Levels, Tides, and Storm Surges, Including Future Projections
KYMV Sanne Muis, Maialen Irazoqui Apecechea, Job Dullaart, Joao de Lima Rego ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 7 (263), 1-15, 2020
On the importance of the forward speed of hurricanes in storm surge forecasting: A numerical study
JL Rego, C Li
Geophysical Research Letters 36 (7), 2009
Nonlinear terms in storm surge predictions: Effect of tide and shelf geometry with case study from Hurricane Rita
JL Rego, C Li
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 115 (C6), 2010
Storm surge propagation in Galveston Bay during hurricane Ike
JL Rego, C Li
Journal of Marine Systems 82 (4), 265-279, 2010
Effect of morphological changes on the hydrodynamics and flushing properties of the Óbidos lagoon (Portugal)
A Oliveira, AB Fortunato, JRL Rego
Continental Shelf Research 26 (8), 917-942, 2006
On the receding of storm surge along Louisiana's low-lying coast
JL Rego, C Li
Journal of Coastal Research, 1045-1049, 2009
In situ measurements of saltwater flux through tidal passes of Lake Pontchartrain estuary by Hurricanes Gustav and Ike in September 2008
C Li, E Weeks, JL Rego
Geophysical Research Letters 36 (19), 2009
Sub-tropical coastal lagoon salinization associated to shrimp ponds effluents
JG Cardoso-Mohedano, J Lima-Rego, JA Sanchez-Cabeza, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 203, 72-79, 2018
Numerical modeling of the Mississippi-Atchafalaya Rivers' sediment transport and fate: Considerations for diversion scenarios
JL Rego, E Meselhe, J Stronach, E Habib
Journal of Coastal Research 26 (2), 212-229, 2010
Multi-scale numerical analysis of the field efficiency of an ocean plastic cleanup array
B Sainte-Rose, L Lebreton, J de Lima Rego, F Kleissen, J Reisser
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 49934 …, 2016
Fast deep water warming of a subtropical crater lake
SG JG Cardoso-Mohedano, JA Sanches-Cabeza, AC Ruiz-Fernandez, LH Perez ...
Science of the Total Environment 691, 1353-1361, 2019
Storm surge dynamics over wide continental shelves: Numerical experiments using the finite-volume coastal ocean model
JL Rego
Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College, 2009
Water quality forecasting systems: Advanced warning of harmful events and dissemination of public alerts.
D Twigt, JL Rego, D Tyrrell, T Troost
ISCRAM, 2011
Global-to-local scale storm surge modelling on tropical cyclone affected coasts
S De Kleermaeker, M Verlaan, T Mortlock, JL Rego, MI Apecechea, K Yan, ...
Australasian Coasts & Ports 2017: Working with Nature: Working with Nature …, 2017
A global tide and storm surge model with a parallel unstructured-grid shallow water solver
B Jagers, JL Rego, M Verlaan, A Lalic, M Genseberger, Y Friocourt, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2014, OS21E-05, 2014
The flushing of Louisiana's coastal bays under Hurricane conditions
JL Rego, C Li, I Hossain
Estuarine and Coastal Modeling (2009), 89-107, 2010
Hydrologic Modeling and Budget Analysis of the Southwestern Louisiana Chenier Plain: Analysis of Fine Sediment and Salinity in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Using a Three …
E Meselhe, J Rego
Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, 2008
Analysis of fine sediment and salinity in the northern Gulf of Mexico using a three-dimensional model
JL Rego
University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 2006
Input data for: Reconstruction of hourly coastal water levels and counterfactuals without sea level rise for impact attribution
S Muis, S Dangendorf, M Irazoqui Apecechea, J Dullaart, J de Lima Rego, ...
CERN/Zenodo, 2023
Global-to-local scale storm surge modelling: operational forecasting and model sensitivities
S De Kleermaeker, MI Apecechea, M Verlaan, T Mortlock, JL Rego
Australasian Coasts and Ports 2019 Conference: Future directions from 40 …, 2019
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Articles 1–20