Renato Lima Novais
Renato Lima Novais
DSc., Professor of Computer Science, Federal Institute of Bahia
Потвърден имейл адрес: ifba.edu.br
Software evolution visualization: A systematic mapping study
RL Novais, A Torres, TS Mendes, M Mendonça, N Zazworka
Information and Software Technology 55 (11), 1860-1883, 2013
Information visualization for emergency management: A systematic mapping study
F Dusse, PS Júnior, AT Alves, R Novais, V Vieira, M Mendonça
Expert Systems with Applications 45, 424-437, 2016
A systematic mapping study on mining software repositories
MA de F. Farias, R Novais, MC Júnior, LP da Silva Carvalho, ...
Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1472-1479, 2016
On the proactive and interactive visualization for feature evolution comprehension: An industrial investigation
R Novais, C Nunes, C Lima, E Cirilo, F Dantas, A Garcia, M Mendonça
2012 34th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 1044-1053, 2012
Reliable and smart decision support system for emergency management based on crowdsourcing information
K Villela, C Nass, R Novais, P Simões, A Traina, J Rodrigues, ...
Exploring Intelligent Decision Support Systems: Current State and New Trends …, 2018
VisMinerTD: An open source tool to support the monitoring of the technical debt evolution using software visualization
TS Mendes, DA Almeida, NSR Alves, RO Spínola, R Novais, M Mendonça
Sourceminer evolution: A tool for supporting feature evolution comprehension
RL Novais, C Nunes, A Garcia, M Mendonça
2013 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, 508-511, 2013
VisminerTD: a tool for automatic identification and interactive monitoring of the evolution of technical debt items
TS Mendes, FGS Gomes, DP Gonçalves, MG Mendonça, RL Novais, ...
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society 25, 1-28, 2019
The problem of conceptualization in god class detection: agreement, strategies and decision drivers
JA M Santos, MG de Mendonça, CP Dos Santos, RL Novais
Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development 2, 1-33, 2014
On the use of software visualization to analyze software evolution: An interactive differential approach
RL Novais, G de F. Carneiro, PRM Simões Júnior, MG Mendonça
Enterprise Information Systems: 13th International Conference, ICEIS 2011 …, 2012
Investigating the relationship between code smell agglomerations and architectural concerns: Similarities and dissimilarities from distributed, service-oriented, and mobile systems
LP da S. Carvalho, R Novais, M Mendonça
Proceedings of the VII Brazilian Symposium on Software Components …, 2018
Experimentally assessing the combination of multiple visualization strategies for software evolution analysis
R Novais, JA Santos, M Mendonça
Journal of Systems and Software 128, 56-71, 2017
An interactive differential and temporal approach to visually analyze software evolution
RL Novais, CAN Lima, GF Carneiro, RMS Paulo, M Mendonca
2011 6th International Workshop on Visualizing Software for Understanding …, 2011
Visualization mechanisms for crowdsourcing information in emergency coordination
PS Júnior, R Novais, V Vieira, LG Pedraza, M Mendonça, K Villela
Proceedings of the 14th Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing …, 2015
Cross-platform multimedia application development: for mobile, web, embedded and IoT with Qt/QML
MCM Neto, SS Andrade, RL Novais
Proceedings of the 23rd Brazillian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web, 23-26, 2017
Repositoryminer-uma ferramenta extensivel de mineração de repositorios de software para identificacao automatica de divida tecnica
T Mendes, R Novais, M Mendonca, L Carvalho, F Gomes
CBSoft 2017-Sessao de Ferramentas, 2017
Timeline matrix: an on demand view for software evolution analysis
R Novais, P Junior, M Mendonçça
Software Visualization (WBVS), 2012 2nd Brazilian Workshop on, 1-8, 2012
Uma análise visual da espacialização das descargas elétricas atmosféricas e do comportamento das mortes causadas por raios no estado da Bahia
UAM Barretto, RL Novais, FJR Barbosa
Revista Brasileira de geografia física 14 (04), 1909-1923, 2021
What Questions Developers Ask During Software Evolution? An Academic Perspective
R Novais, C Brito, M Mendonça
2nd Workshop on Software Visualization, Evolution, and Maintenance (VEM 2014 …, 2014
An ontology-based approach to analyzing the occurrence of code smells in software
LP da Silva Carvalho, R Novais, L do Nascimento Salvador, ...
International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems 2, 155-165, 2017
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