Julia Vaillant
Cited by
Cited by
Tackling psychosocial and capital constraints to alleviate poverty
T Bossuroy, M Goldstein, B Karimou, D Karlan, H Kazianga, W Parienté, ...
Nature 605 (7909), 291-297, 2022
Gender and youth employment in Sub-Saharan Africa: A review of constraints and effective interventions
S Chakravarty, S Das, J Vaillant
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2017
The impact of strengthening agricultural extension services on women farmers: Evidence from Ethiopia
N Buehren, M Goldstein, E Molina, J Vaillant
Agricultural Economics 50 (4), 407-419, 2019
Engaging men to transform inequitable gender attitudes and prevent intimate partner violence: a cluster randomised controlled trial in North and South Kivu, Democratic Republic …
J Vaillant, E Koussoubé, D Roth, R Pierotti, M Hossain, KL Falb
BMJ Global Health 5 (5), e002223, 2020
Inputs, gender roles or sharing norms? Assessing the gender performance gap among informal entrepreneurs in Madagascar
CJ Nordman, J Vaillant
IZA Discussion Paper, 2014
Profiting from parity: Unlocking the potential of women’s business in Africa
F Campos, R Coleman, A Conconi, A Donald, M Gassier, M Goldstein, ...
World Bank, 2019
Pathways out of extreme poverty: Tackling psychosocial and capital constraints with a multi-faceted social protection program in niger
T Bossuroy, M Goldstein, D Karlan, H Kazianga, W Pariente, P Premand, ...
The World Bank, 2021
The impact of strengthening agricultural extension services: evidence from Ethiopia
N Buehren, M Goldstein, E Molina, J Vaillant
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2017
Informal sector dynamics in times of fragile growth: the case of Madagascar
J Vaillant, M Grimm, J Lay, F Roubaud
The European Journal of Development Research 26, 437-455, 2014
Profiting from Parity: Unlocking the Potential of Women's Business in Africa
World Bank Group
World Bank, 2019
La certification foncière au niveau des ménages ruraux à Madagascar. Perception et effets: Situation en 2011
P Burnod, N Andrianirina, R Andrianirina Ratsialonana, C Boue, F Gubert, ...
Observatoire du Foncier, 2014
Land reform and certification in Madagascar: does perception of tenure security matter and change?
P Burnod, N Andrianirina, C Boue, F Gubert, N Rakoto-Tiana, J Vaillant, ...
HAL Post-Print, 2012
Experimental evidence on rural childcare provision
A Donald, S Lowes, J Vaillant
Unpublished, 2023
Caring about carework: Lifting constraints to the productivity of women farmers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
A Donald, J Vaillant, F Campos, ME Cucagna
World Bank, 2018
Attrition and Follow‐Up Rules in Panel Surveys: Insights from a Tracking Experience in Madagascar
J Vaillant
Review of Income and Wealth 59 (3), 509-538, 2013
Inputs, gender roles or sharing norms
C Nordman, J Vaillant
Assessing the gender performance gap among informal entrepreneurs in …, 2013
Profiting from parity: unlocking the potential of women› s businesses in Africa: Main Report
F Campos, RD Coleman, A Conconi, A Donald, M Gassier, MP Goldstein, ...
World Bank Group., 2019
Entreprenariat informel et genre à Madagascar: le rôle des normes de solidarité et des responsabilités domestiques dans les écarts de performances
CJ Nordman, J Vaillant
Mondes en développement 166 (2), 59-72, 2014
Informal sector dynamics in times of fragile growth: The case of Madagascar
M Grimm, J Lann, F Roubaud, J Vaillant
European Journal of Development Research 26 (4), 2014
Inputs, gender roles or sharing norms? Assessing the gender performance gap among informal entrepreneurs in Madagascar (IZA Discussion Paper No. 8046)
CJ Nordman, J Vaillant
Bonn, Germany: IZA, 2014
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Articles 1–20