Alexander Iliev, Ph.D.
Alexander Iliev, Ph.D.
Other namesAlexander Iliev iliev
UC Berkeley, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, SRH Berlin University
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Cited by
Cited by
Spoken emotion recognition through optimum-path forest classification using glottal features
AI Iliev, MS Scordilis, JP Papa, AX Falcao
Computer Speech & Language 24 (3), 445-460, 2010
Spoken emotion recognition using glottal symmetry
AI Iliev, MS Scordilis
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2011, 1-11, 2011
Auxiliary channel masking in an audio signal
AI Iliev, MS Scordilis
US Patent 6,996,521, 2006
A High Capacity Watermarking Technique for Stereo Audio
AI Iliev, H X., MS Scordilis
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and …, 2004
Enhanced user experience and behavioral patterns for digital cultural ecosystems
PL Stanchev, D Paneva-Marinova, A Iliev
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Management of Digital …, 2017
Spoken emotion classification using ToBI features and GMM
AI Iliev, Y Zhang, MS Scordilis
2007 14th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing …, 2007
Motor Qualities and Their Influence On The Children’s Development
D Ignatova, I Alexander I.
Recreation, Wellness Industry and Niche Tourism 2 (1-2 UK), 16-20, 2020
Monograph: “Emotion Recognition from Speech”
A Iliev
Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN:978-3-8473-7760-3 1, 168, 2012
Emotion recognition in speech using inter-sentence Glottal statistics
AI Iliev, MS Scordilis
2008 15th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing …, 2008
Information retrieval and recommendation using emotion from speech signals
A Iliev, P Stanchev
2018 IEEE Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval …, 2018
Emotion Recognition in Speech using Inter-Sentence Time-Domain Statistics
A Iliev
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and …, 2016
Motor qualities and their influence on children's development. International Scientific Journal: Smart Innovations in Recreational, Wellness Industry, and Niche Tourism. Vol. 2 …
D Ignatova, A Iliev
Smart multifunctional digital content ecosystem using emotion analysis of voice
AI Iliev, P Stanchev
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computer Systems and …, 2017
Benchmarking for Development of Speed and Power Characteristics
D Ignatova, A Iliev
Strategies for Policy in Science and Education-Strategii na Obrazovatelnata …, 2022
Emotion Recognition Using Glottal and Prosodic Features
AI Iliev
Glottal Attributes Extracted from Speech with Application to Emotion Driven Smart Systems.
AI Iliev, PL Stanchev
KDIR, 295-300, 2018
Feature vectors for emotion recognition in speech
AI Iliev
National Informatics Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria: Bulgarian Academy of …, 2016
Sentiment Analysis of Speech with Application to Various Languages
A Apturkar, AI Iliev, A Anand, A Oli, SR Siddenki, VR Meka
Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage …, 2020
Content discovery using perceptual automation
A Iliev
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Management of Digital …, 2018
Towards increasing and personalizing of user experience in the digital culture ecosystem
D Paneva-Marinova, A Iliev, R Pavlov, L Zlatkov
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 13 (6), 4227-4231, 2018
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Articles 1–20