Marcos Antonio Vaz Salles
Marcos Antonio Vaz Salles
Researcher and Software Engineer
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iDM: A unified and versatile data model for personal dataspace management
JP Dittrich, MAV Salles
Proceedings of the 32nd international conference on Very large data bases …, 2006
iTrails: Pay-as-you-go Information Integration in Dataspaces.
MAV Salles, JP Dittrich, SK Karakashian, OR Girard, L Blunschi
VLDB 7, 663-674, 2007
A dataspace odyssey: The iMeMex personal dataspace management system
L Blunschi, JP Dittrich, OR Girard, SK Karakashian, MAV Salles
CIDR, 114-119, 2007
Building blocks of sharding blockchain systems: Concepts, approaches, and open problems
Y Liu, J Liu, MAV Salles, Z Zhang, T Li, B Hu, F Henglein, R Lu
Computer Science Review 46, 100513, 2022
Fast checkpoint recovery algorithms for frequently consistent applications
T Cao, M Vaz Salles, B Sowell, Y Yue, A Demers, J Gehrke, W White
Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of …, 2011
Indexing moving objects using short-lived throwaway indexes
J Dittrich, L Blunschi, MA Vaz Salles
International symposium on spatial and temporal databases (SSTD), 189-207, 2009
Data Management in Microservices: State of the Practice, Challenges, and Research Directions
R Laigner, Y Zhou, MAV Salles, Y Liu, M Kalinowski
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 14 (13), 3348-3361, 2021
Behavioral simulations in mapreduce
G Wang, MV Salles, B Sowell, X Wang, T Cao, A Demers, J Gehrke, ...
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 3 (1-2), 952-963, 2010
An experimental analysis of iterated spatial joins in main memory
B Sowell, MV Salles, T Cao, A Demers, J Gehrke
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 6 (14), 1882-1893, 2013
Holding a conference online and live due to Covid-19: Experiences and lessons learned from EDBT/ICDT 2020
A Bonifati, G Guerrini, C Lutz, W Martens, L Mazilu, NW Paton, ...
ACM SIGMOD Record 49 (4), 28-32, 2021
MOVIES: indexing moving objects by shooting index images
J Dittrich, L Blunschi, MA Vaz Salles
Geoinformatica 15 (4), 727-767, 2011
iMeMex: escapes from the personal information jungle
JP Dittrich, MAV Salles, D Kossmann, L Blunschi
Proceedings of the 31st international conference on Very large data bases …, 2005
Cloudia: a deployment advisor for public clouds
T Zou, R Le Bras, MV Salles, A Demers, J Gehrke
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 6 (2), 121-132, 2012
An evaluation of checkpoint recovery for massively multiplayer online games
M Vaz Salles, T Cao, B Sowell, A Demers, J Gehrke, C Koch, W White
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 2 (1), 1258-1269, 2009
Reactors: A case for predictable, virtualized actor database systems
V Shah, MA Vaz Salles
Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Management of Data, 259-274, 2018
Intensional associations in dataspaces
MAV Salles, J Dittrich, L Blunschi
2010 IEEE 26th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2010), 984-987, 2010
From Personal Desktops to Personal Dataspaces: A Report on Building the iMeMex Personal Dataspace Management System.
JP Dittrich, L Blunschi, M Färber, OR Girard, SK Karakashian, MAV Salles
BTW, 292-308, 2007
Making time-stepped applications tick in the cloud
T Zou, G Wang, MV Salles, D Bindel, A Demers, J Gehrke, W White
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing, 1-14, 2011
Detecting hardly visible roads in low-resolution satellite time series data
S Oehmcke, C Thrysøe, A Borgstad, MAV Salles, M Brandt, F Gieseke
2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 2403-2412, 2019
Dwarfs in the rearview mirror: How big are they really?
J Dittrich, L Blunschi, MAV Salles
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 1 (2), 1586-1597, 2008
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