Tuncer Katagan
Tuncer Katagan
Ege University Faculty of Fisheries
Потвърден имейл адрес: ege.edu.tr
Alien species in the Mediterranean Sea by 2010. A contribution to the application of European Union's Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Part I. Spatial distribution.
A Zenetos, S Gofas, M Verlaque, ME Çinar, JE García Raso, CN Bianchi, ...
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, 2010
Alien species on the coasts of Turkey
ME Çinar, M Bilecenoglu, B Ozturk, T Katagan, V Aysel
Mediterranean Marine Science 6 (2), 119-146, 2005
An updated review of alien species on the coasts of Turkey
M Cinar, M Bilecenoglu, B ÖZTÜRK, T Katagan, M Yokes, V Aysel, ...
Mediterranean Marine Science 12 (2), 2011
The marine arthropods of Turkey
AK Bakir, T Katağan, HV Aker, T Özcan, M Sezgin, AS Ateş, C Kocak, ...
Turkish Journal of Zoology 38 (6), 765-831, 2014
Temporal changes of soft‐bottom zoobenthic communities in and around Alsancak Harbor (Izmir Bay, Aegean Sea), with special attention to the autecology of exotic species
ME Cinar, T Katagan, B Öztürk, Ö Egemen, Z Ergen, A Kocatas, M Önen, ...
Marine Ecology 27 (3), 229-246, 2006
The decapod crustacean fauna of the Turkish seas
A Kocataş, T Katağan
Zoology in the Middle East 29 (1), 63-74, 2003
Faunal assemblages of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis in and around Alsancak Harbour (Izmir Bay, eastern Mediterranean) with special emphasis on alien species
ME Çinar, T Katağan, F Koçak, B Öztürk, Z Ergen, A Kocatas, M Önen, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 71 (1-2), 1-17, 2008
Zoobenthos-inhabiting Sarcotragus muscarum (Porifera: Demospongiae) from the Aegean Sea
ME Çinar, T Katagan, Z Ergen, M Sezgin
Hydrobiologia 482, 107-117, 2002
An updated review of alien species on the coasts of Turkey
ME Çınar, M Bilecenoğlu, B Öztürk, T Katağan, MB Yokeş, V Aysel, ...
Mediterranean Marine Science 12 (2), 257-315, 2011
Seasonal dynamics of soft bottom zoobenthic communities in polluted and unpolluted areas of Izmir Bay (Aegean Sea)
A Doğan, ME Çinar, M Önen, Z Ergen, T Katağan
Senckenbergiana maritima 35, 133-145, 2005
Spatio-temporal distributions of zoobenthos in Mersin Bay (Levantine Sea, eastern Mediterranean) and the importance of alien species in benthic communities
ME Cinar, T Katagan, B Öztürk, E Dagli, S Acik, B Bitlis, K Bakir, A Dogan
Marine Biology Research 8 (10), 954-968, 2012
Bottom trawl teuthofauna of the Aegean Sea
A Salmanº, T Katağan, HA Benliº
Fecundity of the common cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis L.(Cephalopoda, Sepiida): a new look at the old problem
V Laptikhovsky, ALP Salman, B Önsoy, T Katagan
Scientia Marina 67 (3), 279-284, 2003
Spatio-temporal distributions of zoobenthos in soft substratum of Izmir Bay (Aegean Sea, eastern Mediterranean), with special emphasis on alien species and ecological quality …
ME Çinar, T Katagan, B Öztürk, K Bakir, E Dagli, S Açik, A Dogan, B Bıtlıs
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 92 (7 …, 2012
Brachyuran crabs from Iskenderun Bay (Southeastern Turkey)
T Ozcan, T Katagan, A Kocatas
Crustaceana, 237-243, 2005
Cephalopod fauna of the eastern Mediterranean
A Salman, T KATAĞAN, HA Benli
Turkish journal of zoology 26 (1), 47-52, 2002
İzmir Merkez İlçelerinde Kamuoyunun Balık Tüketimi ve Balık Yetiştiriciliğine Yaklaşımı.
H Saygı, Ş Saka, K Fırat, T Katağan
Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 23 (1), 133-138, 2006
Age, growth, sex-ratio, spawning season and food of golden banded goatfish, Upeneus moluccensis Bleeker (1855) from the Mediterranean and south Aegean Sea coasts of Turkey
M Kaya, HA Benli, T Katagan, O Ozaydin
Fisheries Research 41 (3), 317-328, 1999
Note préliminaire sur les Cephalopodes des eaux Turques
T Katagan, A Kocatas
Rapp Comm int Mer Médit 32, 242, 1990
Biochemical composition of some brown algae from Iskenderun Bay, the northeastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey
S Ozgun, F Turan
Journal of Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment 21 (2), 125-134, 2015
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