Heath Henderson
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Cited by
Considering technical and allocative efficiency in the inverse farm size–productivity relationship
H Henderson
Journal of Agricultural Economics 66 (2), 442-469, 2015
Modern value chains and the organization of agrarian production
H Henderson, AG Isaac
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 99 (2), 379-400, 2017
Getting the best of both worlds? Developing complementary equation-based and agent-based models
C Gräbner, CSE Bale, BA Furtado, B Alvarez-Pereira, JE Gentile, ...
Computational Economics 53, 763-782, 2019
Land accumulation dynamics in developing country agriculture
H Henderson, L Corral, E Simning, P Winters
The Journal of Development Studies 51 (6), 743-761, 2015
The effect of the sectoral composition of economic growth on rural and urban poverty
R Benfica, H Henderson
Review of Income and Wealth 67 (1), 248-284, 2021
Structural transformation and smallholder agriculture: an information‐theoretic analysis of the Nicaraguan case
H Henderson
Agricultural Economics 45 (4), 443-458, 2014
A Bayesian framework for estimating human capabilities
H Henderson, L Follett
World Development 129, 104872, 2020
Incorporating prior information when true priors are unknown: An Information-Theoretic approach for increasing efficiency in estimation
H Henderson, A Golan, S Seabold
Economics Letters 127, 1-5, 2015
The Fiscal Impact of Natural Resource Windfalls: Evidence from a Peruvian Natural Experiment
L Corral, H Henderson, JJ Miranda
Land Economics 95 (4), 577-598, 2019
Social institutions and economic inequality: Modeling the onset of the Kuznets curve
B Alvarez-Pereira, CSE Bale, BA Furtado, JE Gentile, C Gräbner, ...
Discussion Paper, 2015
The structure of risk-sharing networks
H Henderson, A Alam
Empirical Economics 62 (2), 853-886, 2022
Beyond the sex of the holder: understanding agricultural production decisions within household farms in Uganda
M Hillesland, V Slavchevska, H Henderson, P Okello, FN Oumo
Journal of Gender, Agriculture and Food Safety 5 (1), 14-27, 2020
The Role of Renewable Energy Laws in Expanding Energy from Non-Traditional Renewables
N McCarthy, H Henderson
Inter-American Development Bank, 2014
Poverty mapping in the age of machine learning
P Corral, H Henderson, S Segovia
Journal of Development Economics 172, 103377, 2025
A hybrid approach to targeting social assistance
L Follett, H Henderson
Journal of Development Economics 160, 103002, 2023
Targeting social safety net programs on human capabilities
H Henderson, L Follett
World Development 151, 105741, 2022
Evidence from a natural experiment on the development impact of windfall gains: The Camisea Fund in Peru
L Corral, H Henderson, JJ Miranda
Inter-American Development Bank, 2016
Cash and Capabilities
L Follett, H Henderson
Available at SSRN 3578825, 2020
The effect of the sectoral composition of economic growth on rural and urban poverty
RS Benfica, H Henderson
Available at SSRN 3305033, 2018
The Moral Foundations of Impact Evaluation
H Henderson
Journal of Human Development and Capabilities 23 (3), 425-454, 2022
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Articles 1–20