Andrej Boncina
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Suitability of close-to-nature silviculture for adapting temperate European forests to climate change
P Brang, P Spathelf, JB Larsen, J Bauhus, A Bončina, C Chauvin, ...
Forestry 87 (4), 492-503, 2014
Biodiversity evaluation tools for European forests
TB Larsson
Criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management at the forest …, 2001
Comparison of structure and biodiversity in the Rajhenav virgin forest remnant and managed forest in the Dinaric region of Slovenia
A Boncina
Global Ecology and Biogeography 9 (3), 201-211, 2000
Long-term changes of structure and tree species composition in Dinaric uneven-aged forests: are red deer an important factor?
M Klopcic, K Jerina, A Boncina
European Journal of Forest Research 129, 277-288, 2010
Ecology and silviculture of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.): a review
D Dobrowolska, A Bončina, R Klumpp
Journal of Forest Research 22 (6), 326-335, 2017
History, current status and future prospects of uneven-aged forest management in the Dinaric region: an overview
A Boncina
Forestry 84 (5), 467-478, 2011
The natural disturbance regime in forests of the Dinaric Mountains: A synthesis of evidence
TA Nagel, S Mikac, M Dolinar, M Klopcic, S Keren, M Svoboda, J Diaci, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 388, 29-42, 2017
Do changes in spatial distribution, structure and abundance of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) indicate its decline?
A Ficko, A Poljanec, A Boncina
Forest Ecology and Management 261 (4), 844-854, 2011
Long-term changes in tree species composition in the Dinaric mountain forests of Slovenia
A Boncina, F Gaspersic, J Diaci
The Forestry Chronicle 79 (2), 227-232, 2003
Effects of selective thinning on growth and development of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forest stands in south-eastern Slovenia
A Boncina, A Kadunc, D Robic
Annals of forest science 64 (1), 47-57, 2007
The productivity of mixed mountain forests comprised of Fagus sylvatica, Picea abies, and Abies alba across Europe
T Hilmers, A Avdagić, L Bartkowicz, K Bielak, F Binder, A Bončina, ...
Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research 92 (5), 512-522, 2019
Regeneration in experimental gaps of subalpine Picea abies forest in the Slovenian Alps
J Diaci, R Pisek, A Boncina
European journal of forest research 124, 29-36, 2005
Factors related to natural disturbances in mountain Norway spruce (Picea abies) forests in the Julian Alps
M Klopcic, A Poljanec, A Gartner, A Boncina
Ecoscience 16 (1), 48-57, 2009
Stand dynamics of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.)-European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forests during the past century: a decline of silver fir?
M Klopcic, A Boncina
Forestry 84 (3), 259-271, 2011
Stand dynamics of Dinaric old‐growth forest in Slovenia: Are indirect human influences relevant?
J Diaci, D Rozenbergar, A Boncina
Plant Biosystems 144 (1), 194-201, 2010
Conceptual approaches to integrate nature conservation into forest management: a Central European perspective
A Boncina
International Forestry Review 13 (1), 13-22, 2011
Comparison of the two main types of selection forests in Slovenia: distribution, site conditions, stand structure, regeneration and management
A Boncina, J Diaci, L Cencic
Forestry 75 (4), 365-373, 2002
Public attitudes toward environmental protection in the most developed countries: The Environmental Concern Kuznets Curve theory
A Ficko, A Bončina
Journal of environmental management 231, 968-981, 2019
Probabilistic typology of management decision making in private forest properties
A Ficko, A Boncina
Forest Policy and Economics 27, 34-43, 2013
Stand structure of an uneven-aged fir–beech forest with an irregular diameter structure: modeling the development of the Belevine forest, Croatia
J Čavlović, M Božić, A Boncina
European Journal of Forest Research 125, 325-333, 2006
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Articles 1–20