Vicenç Rubies Royo
Vicenç Rubies Royo
Postdoctoral Scholar
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Cited by
Bridging hamilton-jacobi safety analysis and reinforcement learning
JF Fisac, NF Lugovoy, V Rubies-Royo, S Ghosh, CJ Tomlin
2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 8550-8556, 2019
Safety and Liveness Guarantees through Reach-Avoid Reinforcement Learning
KC Hsu, V Rubies-Royo, CJ Tomlin, JF Fisac
A Classification-based Approach for Approximate Reachability
V Rubies-Royo, D Fridovich-Keil, S Herbert, CJ Tomlin
2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 7697-7704, 2018
Fast neural network verification via shadow prices
VR Royo, R Calandra, DM Stipanovic, C Tomlin
arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.07247, 2019
Inferring objectives in continuous dynamic games from noise-corrupted partial state observations
L Peters, D Fridovich-Keil, V Rubies-Royo, CJ Tomlin, C Stachniss
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.03611, 2021
An iterative quadratic method for general-sum differential games with feedback linearizable dynamics
D Fridovich-Keil, V Rubies-Royo, CJ Tomlin
2020 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2020
Recursive Regression with Neural Networks: Approximating the HJI PDE Solution
V Rubies-Royo, C Tomlin
arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.02739, 2016
Some local stability properties of an autonomous long short-term memory neural network model
DM Stipanović, B Murmann, M Causo, A Lekić, VR Royo, CJ Tomlin, ...
2018 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1-5, 2018
Online and offline learning of player objectives from partial observations in dynamic games
L Peters, V Rubies-Royo, CJ Tomlin, L Ferranti, J Alonso-Mora, ...
The International Journal of Robotics Research 42 (10), 917-937, 2023
Long short-term memory neural network equilibria computation and analysis
M Amrouche, DS Anand, A Lekić, VR Royo, ET Chai, DM Stipanović, ...
Haptic assistance via inverse reinforcement learning
DRR Scobee, VR Royo, CJ Tomlin, SS Sastry
2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC …, 2018
A multi-armed bandit approach for online expert selection in markov decision processes
E Mazumdar, R Dong, VR Royo, C Tomlin, SS Sastry
arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.05714, 2017
A Minimum Discounted Reward Hamilton-Jacobi Formulation for Computing Reachable Sets
AK Akametalu, S Ghosh, JF Fisac, V Rubies-Royo, CJ Tomlin
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2023
Learning players’ objectives in continuous dynamic games from partial state observations
L Peters, V Rubies-Royo, CJ Tomlin, L Ferranti, J Alonso-Mora, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.01999, 2023
Assured Autonomy for Safety-Critical and Learning-Enabled Systems
VR Royo
University of California, Berkeley, 2020
Expert Selection in High-Dimensional Markov Decision Processes
V Rubies-Royo, E Mazumdar, R Dong, C Tomlin, SS Sastry
2020 IEEE 59th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2020
Assured Autonomy for Safety-Critical and Learning-Enabled Systems
V Rubies Royo
UC Berkeley, 2020
Stable, Efficient Solutions for Differential Games with Feedback Linearizable Dynamics
D Fridovich-Keil, VR Royo, CJ Tomlin
Cost Inference in Smooth Dynamic Games from Noise-Corrupted Partial State Observations
L Peters, D Fridovich-Keil, V Rubies-Royo, CJ Tomlin, C Stachniss
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Articles 1–19