Michal Ramot
Michal Ramot
Потвърден имейл адрес: weizmann.ac.il
Neural “ignition”: enhanced activation linked to perceptual awareness in human ventral stream visual cortex
L Fisch, E Privman, M Ramot, M Harel, Y Nir, S Kipervasser, F Andelman, ...
Neuron 64 (4), 562-574, 2009
Direct modulation of aberrant brain network connectivity through real-time NeuroFeedback
M Ramot, S Kimmich, J Gonzalez-Castillo, V Roopchansingh, H Popal, ...
elife 6, e28974, 2017
Covert neurofeedback without awareness shapes cortical network spontaneous connectivity
M Ramot, S Grossman, D Friedman, R Malach
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (17), E2413-E2420, 2016
Reduction in inter-hemispheric connectivity in disorders of consciousness
S Ovadia-Caro, Y Nir, A Soddu, M Ramot, G Hesselmann, ...
PLoS One 7 (5), e37238, 2012
A widely distributed spectral signature of task-negative electrocorticography responses revealed during a visuomotor task in the human cortex
M Ramot, L Fisch, M Harel, S Kipervasser, F Andelman, MY Neufeld, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (31), 10458-10469, 2012
Spatial and object-based attention modulates broadband high-frequency responses across the human visual cortical hierarchy
I Davidesco, M Harel, M Ramot, U Kramer, S Kipervasser, F Andelman, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (3), 1228-1240, 2013
Coupling between spontaneous (resting state) fMRI fluctuations and human oculo-motor activity
M Ramot, M Wilf, H Goldberg, T Weiss, LY Deouell, R Malach
Neuroimage 58 (1), 213-225, 2011
Multifaceted integration: Memory for faces is subserved by widespread connections between visual, memory, auditory, and social networks
M Ramot, C Walsh, A Martin
Journal of Neuroscience 39 (25), 4976-4985, 2019
Diminished auditory responses during NREM sleep correlate with the hierarchy of language processing
M Wilf, M Ramot, E Furman-Haran, A Arzi, Y Levkovitz, R Malach
PloS one 11 (6), e0157143, 2016
Emergence of sensory patterns during sleep highlights differential dynamics of REM and non-REM sleep stages
M Ramot, L Fisch, I Davidesco, M Harel, S Kipervasser, F Andelman, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (37), 14715-14728, 2013
Closed-loop neuromodulation for studying spontaneous activity and causality
M Ramot, A Martin
Trends in cognitive sciences 26 (4), 290-299, 2022
Altered resting-state dynamics in autism spectrum disorder: Causal to the social impairment?
SJ Gotts, M Ramot, K Jasmin, A Martin
Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 90, 28-36, 2019
Distinct neural mechanisms of social orienting and mentalizing revealed by independent measures of neural and eye movement typicality
M Ramot, C Walsh, GE Reimann, A Martin
Communications Biology 3 (1), 48, 2020
Selectivity of audiovisual ECoG responses revealed under naturalistic stimuli in the human cortex
M Meshulam, M Ramot, M Harel, S Kipervasser, F Andelman, MY Neufeld, ...
Journal of neurophysiology 109 (9), 2272-2281, 2013
A framework for offline evaluation and optimization of real-time algorithms for use in neurofeedback, demonstrated on an instantaneous proxy for correlations
M Ramot, J Gonzalez-Castillo
NeuroImage 188, 322-334, 2019
Gauging facial feature viewing preference as a stable individual trait in autism spectrum disorder
GE Reimann, C Walsh, KD Csumitta, P McClure, F Pereira, A Martin, ...
Autism research 14 (8), 1670-1683, 2021
A measure of reliability convergence to select and optimize cognitive tasks for individual differences research
J Kadlec, CR Walsh, U Sadé, A Amir, J Rissman, M Ramot
Communications Psychology 2 (1), 64, 2024
Putting cognitive tasks on trial: A measure of reliability convergence
J Kadlec, C Walsh, U Sade, A Amir, J Rissman, M Ramot
BioRxiv, 2023.07. 03.547563, 2023
A deep neural network tool for automatic segmentation of human body parts in natural scenes
P McClure, G Reimann, M Ramot, F Pereira
arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.09900, 2020
A generic machine-learning tool for online whole brain classification from fMRI
O Cohen, M Ramot, R Malach, M Koppel, D Friedman
The 6th International Brain-Computer Interface Conference, 2014
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