Stuart Norman
Stuart Norman
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Cited by
An interdisciplinary review of energy storage for communities: challenges and perspectives
D Parra, M Swierczynski, DI Stroe, SA Norman, A Abdon, J Worlitschek, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 79, 730-749, 2017
Optimum community energy storage system for PV energy time-shift
D Parra, M Gillott, SA Norman, GS Walker
Applied Energy 137, 576-587, 2015
Optimum community energy storage system for PV energy time-shift
GSW David Parra, Mark Gillott, Stuart A. Norman
Applied Energy 137 (1), 576–587, 2014
Optimum community energy storage for renewable energy and demand load management
D Parra, SA Norman, GS Walker, M Gillott
Applied Energy 200, 358-369, 2017
Optimum community energy storage system for demand load shifting
D Parra, SA Norman, GS Walker, M Gillott
Applied Energy 174, 130-143, 2016
Determination of radical re-encounter probability distributions from magnetic field effects on reaction yields
CT Rodgers, SA Norman, KB Henbest, CR Timmel, PJ Hore
Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (21), 6746-6755, 2007
Correlation of energy storage performance of supercapacitor with iso-propanol improved wettability of aqueous electrolyte on activated carbon electrodes of various apparent …
DG Gromadskyi, JH Chae, SA Norman, GZ Chen
Applied Energy 159 (December 2015), 39-50, 2015
Spin-locking in low-frequency reaction yield detected magnetic resonance
CJ Wedge, JCS Lau, KA Ferguson, SA Norman, PJ Hore, CR Timmel
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15 (38), 16043-16053, 2013
Radiofrequency polarization effects in zero-field electron paramagnetic resonance
CT Rodgers, CJ Wedge, SA Norman, P Kukura, K Nelson, N Baker, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 11 (31), 6569-6572, 2009
Real-time battery management algorithm for peak demand shaving in small energy communities
S Pholboon, M Sumner, E Christopher, SA Norman
2015 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Latin America (ISGT LATAM …, 2015
Microgrid unbalance compensator - Mitigating the negative effects of unbalanced microgrid operation
SP Oe, E Christopher, M Sumner, S Pholboon, M Johnson, SA Norman
Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT EUROPE), 1-5, 2013
Radiofrequency polarization effects in low-field electron paramagnetic resonance
CJ Wedge, CT Rodgers, SA Norman, N Baker, K Maeda, KB Henbest, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 11 (31), 6573-6579, 2009
Assessing the Accuracy of Loss Estimation Methods for Supercapacitor Energy Storage Devices Operating under Constant Power Cycling
P Kulsangcharoen, C Klumpner, M Rashed, G Asher, GZ Chen, ...
Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'14-ECCE Europe), 1-11, 2014
Supplementary Material 1: Further theoretical considerations
CT Rodgers, CJ Wedge, SA Norman, P Kukura, K Nelson, N Baker, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 11 (31), 2009
Supporting Information for Spin-locking in low frequency reaction yield detected magnetic resonance
CJ Wedge, JCS Lau, KA Ferguson, S Norman, PJ Hore, CR Timmel
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Articles 1–15