Maarten de Mol
Maarten de Mol
Postdoc, University of Twente
Потвърден имейл адрес: xs4all.nl
Modelling and analysis using GROOVE
AH Ghamarian, M de Mol, A Rensink, E Zambon, M Zimakova
International journal on software tools for technology transfer 14, 15-40, 2012
Theorem Proving for Functional Programmers: Sparkle: A Functional Theorem Prover
M De Mol, M Van Eekelen, R Plasmeijer
Implementation of Functional Languages: 13th International Workshop, IFL …, 2002
Proof tool support for explicit strictness
M van Eekelen, M de Mol
Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages, 37-54, 2005
Proof support for general type classes
R Van Kesteren, M Van Eekelen, M De Mol
Trends in Functional Programming 5, 1-16, 2004
Proving Properties of Lazy Functional Programs with Sparkle
M de Mol, M van Eekelen, R Plasmeijer
Central European Functional Programming School: Second Summer School, CEFP …, 2008
Reflections on Type Theory, λ-calculus, and the Mind. Essays dedicated to Henk Barendregt on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday
M van Eekelen, M de Mol
Chapter Proving Lazy Folklore with Mixed Lazy/Strict Semantics, 2007
Mixed lazy/strict graph semantics
M van Eekelen, MJ de Mol
[Sl]: Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet zu Kiel, 2004
Reasoning about Functional Programs: Sparkle, a proof assistant for Clean
MJ De Mol
Sl: sn, 2009
Towards machine-verified proofs for I/O
M Dowse, A Butterfield, M van Eekelen, MJ de Mol, MJ Plasmeijer
[Sl]: Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet zu Kiel, 2004
A proof tool dedicated to clean: the first prototype
M de Mol, M van Eekelen
International Workshop on Applications of Graph Transformations with …, 1999
The mathematical foundation of the proof assistant Sparkle
M Mol, M van Eekelen, R Plasmeijer
onbekend: Institute for Computing and Information Sciences, 2007
Reasoning about explicit strictness in a lazy language using mixed lazy/strict semantics
M van Eekelen, M Mol
[Sl]: Departamento de Sistemas Informaticos y Programacion, Univer, 2002
Graph transforming Java data
M de Mol, A Rensink, JJ Hunt
Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering: 15th International …, 2012
On a graph formalism for ordered edges
M Mol, A Rensink
Electronic Communications of the EASST 29, 2010
Proving lazy folklore with mixed lazy/strict semantics
M van Eekelen, M Mol
Nijmegen: Radboud University Nijmegen, 2007
A common arrow based semantics for GEC and iData applications
PM Achten, M van Eekelen, MJ de Mol, MJ Plasmeijer
Nijmegen: Institute for Computing and Information Sciences, 2008
A prototype dedicated theorem prover for clean
MJ de Mol, M van Eekelen
Nijmegen: Computing Science Institute, 1999
Sparkle: A functional theorem prover
M de Mol, M van Eekelen, R Plasmeijer
Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop, IFL2001, number LNCS2312, 55, 0
EditorArrow: An arrow-based model for editor-based programming
P Achten, M Van Eekelen, M De Mol, R Plasmeijer
Journal of Functional Programming 23 (2), 185-224, 2013
A single-step term-graph reduction system for proof assistants
M de Mol, M van Eekelen, R Plasmeijer
Applications of Graph Transformations with Industrial Relevance: Third …, 2008
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