João Garcia Rodrigues
João Garcia Rodrigues
Researcher at CIIMAR, University of Porto
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Marine and coastal cultural ecosystem services: knowledge gaps and research priorities
J Garcia Rodrigues, AJ Conides, S Rivero Rodriguez, S Raicevich, P Pita, ...
One Ecosystem 2 (2017), 2017
How can marine ecosystem services support the Blue Growth agenda?
AI Lillebø, C Pita, J Garcia Rodrigues, S Ramos, V S
Marine Policy 81, 132-142, 2017
Marine and coastal ecosystem services on the science–policy–practice nexus: challenges and opportunities from 11 European case studies
EG Drakou, C Kermagoret, C Liquete, A Ruiz-Frau, K Burkhard, A Lillebø, ...
International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services …, 2017
Disentangling seafood value chains: tourism and the local market driving small-scale fisheries
J Garcia Rodrigues, S Villasante
Marine Policy 74, 33-42, 2016
Fishers' perceptions about the EU discards policy and its economic impact on small-scale fisheries in Galicia (North West Spain)
S Villasante, GJ Pierce, C Pita, CP Guimeráns, J Garcia Rodrigues, ...
Ecological Economics 130, 130 - 138, 2016
Markets, Distribution and Value Chains in Small-Scale Fisheries: A Special Focus on Europe
J Pascual-Fernandéz, C Pita, H Josupeit, A Said, J Garcia Rodrigues
Transdisciplinarity for Small-Scale Fisheries Governance 8, 141.162, 2018
To land or not to land: How do stakeholders perceive the zero discard policy in European small-scale fisheries?
S Villasante, C Pita, GJ Pierce, CP Guimeráns, J Garcia Rodrigues, ...
Marine Policy 71, 166-174, 2016
Research and management priorities for Atlantic marine recreational fisheries in Southern Europe
P Pita, I Artetxe, H Diogo, P Gomes, A Gordoa, K Hyder, J Pereira, C Pita, ...
Marine Policy 86, 1-8, 2017
The role of non-natural capital in the co-production of marine ecosystem services
L Outeiro, E Ojea, J Garcia Rodrigues, A Himes-Cornell, A Belgrano, ...
International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services …, 2017
Is it just about the money? A spatial-economic approach to assess ecosystem service tradeoffs in a marine protected area in Brazil
L Outeiro, J Garcia Rodrigues, LMA Damásio, PFM Lopes
Ecosystem Services 38, 2019
Governance of ecosystem services: a review of empirical literature
KJ Winkler, J Garcia Rodrigues, E Albrecht, ETH Crockett
Ecosystems and People 17, 306-319, 2021
Cultural services in aquatic ecosystems
J Garcia Rodrigues
Ecosystem Services and River Basin Ecohydrology, 35-56, 2015
Non-material nature’s contributions to people from a marine protected area support multiple dimensions of human well-being
J Garcia Rodrigues, S Villasante, I Sousa Pinto
Sustainability Science 17, 793–808, 2022
Sea turtle, shark and dolphin bycatch rates by artisanal and semi-industrial fishers in Maio Island, Cape Verde
DA Lopes K, Passos L, Garcia Rodrigues J, Koenen F, Stiebens V, Székely T
Chelonian Conservation and Biology 15 (2), 279 - 288, 2016
Sardine Fisheries: Resource assessment and social and economic situation
A Silva, A Moreno, I Rivero, B Santos, C Pita, J Garcia Rodrigues, ...
http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2015/563412/IPOL_STU(2015 …, 2015
Small-scale fisheries and the zero discard target
S Villasante, C Pazos Guimeráns, J Garcia Rodrigues, ...
http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2015/540360/IPOL_STU …, 2015
Operationalising marine and coastal ecosystem services
J Garcia Rodrigues, S Villasante, EG Drakou, C Kermagoret, N Beaumont
International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services …, 2017
Disentangling global market drivers for cephalopods to foster transformations towards sustainable seafood systems
GB Ainsworth, P Pita, J Garcia Rodrigues, C Pita, K Roumbedakis, ...
People and Nature, 2023
First confirmed occurrence of Gervais’ beaked whale Mesoplodon europaeus (Gervais, 1855) in the Cape Verde Islands
F Koenen, E Magileviciute, J Garcia Rodrigues, C Hazevoet
Zoologia Caboverdiana 4 (2), 49-52, 2013
Echolocation activity of Harbour Porpoise Phocoena phocoena in the Eastern Scheldt estuary (The Netherlands) and the North Sea
J Garcia Rodrigues
Rugvin Foundation, 2014
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