Nikhil Agrawal
Nikhil Agrawal
Assistant Professor at Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, IIIT Nagpur
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Cited by
Design of digital IIR filter: A research survey
N Agrawal, A Kumar, V Bajaj, GK Singh
Applied Acoustics 172, 107669, 2021
Design of Bandpass and Bandstop Infinite Impulse Response Filters using Fractional Derivative
N Agrawal, A Kumar, V Bajaj, GK Singh
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 66 (2), 1285 - 1295, 2018
A new design method for stable IIR filters with nearly linear-phase response based on fractional derivative and swarm intelligence
N Agrawal, A Kumar, V Bajaj
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence 1 (6 …, 2017
Design of digital IIR filter with low quantization error using hybrid optimization technique
N Agrawal, A Kumar, V Bajaj
Soft Computing 22 (9), 2953–2971, 2018
A New Method for Designing of Stable Digital IIR Filter using Hybrid Method
N Agrawal, A Kumar, V Bajaj
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 2018
Hilbert Transform Design based on Fractional Derivatives and Swarm Optimization
A Kumar, N Agrawal, I Sharma, S Lee, HN Lee
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2018
Design of infinite impulse response filter using fractional derivative constraints and hybrid particle swarm optimization
N Agrawal, A Kumar, V Bajaj
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 39, 6162-6190, 2020
High Order Stable Infinite Impulse Response Filter Design using Cuckoo Search Algorithm
N Agrawal, A Kumar, V Bajaj, GK Singh
International Journal of Automation and Computing, 1-14, 2017
A New Design Approach for Nearly Linear Phase Stable IIR Filter using Fractional Derivative
N Agrawal, A Kumar, V Bajaj
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2018
Optimized design of digital IIR filter using artificial bee colony algorithm
N Agrawal, A Kumar, V Bajaj
International Conference on Signal Processing Computing and Control (ISPCC), 2015
Hybrid method based optimized design of digital IIR filter
N Agrawal, A Kumar, V Bajaj
International Conference on Communications and Signal Processing (ICCSP), 2015
Digital IIR Filter Design With Controlled Ripple Using Cuckoo Search Algorithm
N Agrawal, A Kumar, V Bajaj
International Conference on Signal and Information Processing (IConSIP), 2016
Weighted least square design technique for hilbert transformer using fractional derivative
N Agrawal, A Kumar, B Kuldeep, S Lee, HN Lee
Signal, Image and Video Processing 15, 1461-1468, 2021
Controlled ripple based design of digital IIR filter
N Agrawal, A Kumar, V Bajaj, HN Lee
2016 IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP), 2016
Design of multiplierless digital IIR filter using modified cuckoo search algorithm
S Ansari, G Kishor, PK Verma, N Agrawal, I Sharma, A Kumar
2018 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP …, 2018
Design of Finite Impulse Response Filter with Controlled Ripple using Cuckoo Search Algorithm
A Kumar, N Agrawal, I Sharma
Conference on Computer Vision & Image Processing (CVIP-2018), 2018
Phase Optimization based Design of Infinite Impulse Response Filter using Fractional Derivative
N Agrawal, A Kumar, V Bajaj
IEEE 23rd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP), 1-5, 2019
Adder Efficient Multiplierless Non-Uniform Filterbank Design Using Hybrid Algorithm
I Sharma, N Agrawal, A Kumar, LK Balyan
2018 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP …, 2018
2017 Index IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence Vol.
HA Abbass, M Abouhawwash, N Agrawal, A Al-Mamun, C Alippi, V Bajaj, ...
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Articles 1–19