Andreia Malucelli
Andreia Malucelli
Professor of Computer Science, Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná
Потвърден имейл адрес: ppgia.pucpr.br
Requirements engineering: A systematic mapping study in agile software development
K Curcio, T Navarro, A Malucelli, S Reinehr
Journal of Systems and Software 139, 32-50, 2018
Progressive Outcomes: A framework for maturing in agile software development
RM Fontana, V Meyer Jr, S Reinehr, A Malucelli
Journal of Systems and Software 102, 88-108, 2015
Sistema de informação para apoio à Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem
A Malucelli, KR Otemaier, M Bonnet, MR Cubas, TR Garcia
Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem 63, 629-636, 2010
Processes versus people: How should agile software development maturity be defined?
RM Fontana, IM Fontana, PA da Rosa Garbuio, S Reinehr, A Malucelli
Journal of Systems and Software 97, 140-155, 2014
Ontologies application in organizational learning: A literature review
J Valaski, A Malucelli, S Reinehr
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (8), 7555-7561, 2012
Ontology-based Services to help solving the heterogeneity problem in e-commerce negotiations
A Malucelli, D Palzer, E Oliveira
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 5 (1), 29-43, 2006
Usability in agile software development: A tertiary study
K Curcio, R Santana, S Reinehr, A Malucelli
Computer Standards & Interfaces 64, 61-77, 2019
Interoperable manufacturing knowledge systems
C Palmer, Z Usman, O Canciglieri Junior, A Malucelli, RIM Young
International journal of production research 56 (8), 2733-2752, 2018
Os jogos educativos no contexto do SBIE: uma revisão sistemática de Literatura
MH Pietruchinski, JC Neto, A Malucelli, S Reinehr
Brazilian Symposium on Computers in Education (Simpósio Brasileiro de …, 2011
A prática da enfermagem frente aos eventos adversos pós-vacinação
LHL Bisetto, MR Cubas, A Malucelli
Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP 45, 1128-1134, 2011
Challenge based learning applied to mobile software development teaching
FV Binder, M Nichols, S Reinehr, A Malucelli
2017 IEEE 30th Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training …, 2017
“Old” theories,“New” technologies: Understanding knowledge sharing and learning in Brazilian software development companies
A Menolli, MA Cunha, S Reinehr, A Malucelli
Information and Software Technology 58, 289-303, 2015
Poronto: ferramenta para construção semi automática de ontologias em português
FM Zahra, DR Carvalho, A Malucelli
Journal of Health Informatics 5 (2), 2013
Sistema especialista para apoiar a decisão na terapia tópica de úlceras venosas
D Sellmer, CMG Carvalho, DR Carvalho, A Malucelli
Revista Gaúcha de enfermagem 34, 154-162, 2013
Revisão dos modelos de estilos de aprendizagem aplicados à adaptação e personalização dos materiais de aprendizagem
J Valaski, A Malucelli, S Reinehr
Brazilian Symposium on Computers in Education (Simpósio Brasileiro de …, 2011
The ISO 18.104: 2003 as integrative model of nursing terminologies
MR Cubas, AGM Denipote, A Malucelli, MML Nóbrega
Revista latino-americana de enfermagem 18, 669-674, 2010
An analysis of the factors determining software product quality: A comparative study
K Curcio, A Malucelli, S Reinehr, MA Paludo
Computer Standards & Interfaces 48, 10-18, 2016
Poronto: tool for semi-automatic ontology construction in portuguese
FM Zahra, DR Carvalho, A Malucelli
J Health Inform [Internet] 5 (2), 52-9, 2013
Software product line applied to the internet of things: A systematic literature review
RT Geraldi, S Reinehr, A Malucelli
Information and Software Technology 124, 106293, 2020
Agile compass: a tool for identifying maturity in agile software-development teams
RM Fontana, S Reinehr, A Malucelli
IEEE Software 32 (6), 20-23, 2015
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