Privacy-enhancing personalized web search Y Xu, K Wang, B Zhang, Z Chen Proceedings of the 16th international conference on World Wide Web, 591-600, 2007 | 311 | 2007 |
Observation of D0 meson nuclear modifications in Au+ Au collisions at√ sNN= 200 GeV STAR collaboration American Physical Society, 2014 | 291* | 2014 |
Anonymizing transaction databases for publication Y Xu, K Wang, AWC Fu, PS Yu Proceedings of the 14th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2008 | 262 | 2008 |
Scalable sequential pattern mining for biological sequences K Wang, Y Xu, JX Yu Proceedings of the thirteenth ACM international conference on Information …, 2004 | 152 | 2004 |
Efficient mining of frequent patterns using ascending frequency ordered prefix-tree G Liu, H Lu, W Lou, Y Xu, JX Yu Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 9, 249-274, 2004 | 114 | 2004 |
Ascending frequency ordered prefix-tree: efficient mining of frequent patterns G Liu, H Lu, Y Xu, JX Yu Eighth International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced …, 2003 | 103 | 2003 |
Publishing sensitive transactions for itemset utility Y Xu, BCM Fung, K Wang, AWC Fu, J Pei 2008 Eighth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 1109-1114, 2008 | 83 | 2008 |
LSII: An indexing structure for exact real-time search on microblogs L Wu, W Lin, X Xiao, Y Xu 2013 IEEE 29th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 482-493, 2013 | 66 | 2013 |
Sequential pattern analysis of learning logs: Methodology and applications M Zhou, Y Xu, JC Nesbit, PH Winne Handbook of educational data mining 107, 107-121, 2010 | 64 | 2010 |
Global privacy guarantee in serial data publishing RCW Wong, AWC Fu, J Liu, K Wang, Y Xu 2010 IEEE 26th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2010), 956-959, 2010 | 48 | 2010 |
Online anonymity for personalized web services Y Xu, K Wang, G Yang, AWC Fu Proceedings of the 18th ACM conference on Information and knowledge …, 2009 | 46 | 2009 |
ff-anonymity: When quasi-identifiers are missing K Wang, Y Xu, AWC Fu, RCW Wong 2009 IEEE 25th International Conference on Data Engineering, 1136-1139, 2009 | 37 | 2009 |
From path tree to frequent patterns: A framework for mining frequent patterns Y Xu, JX Yu, G Liu, H Lu 2002 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 2002. Proceedings., 514-521, 2002 | 28 | 2002 |
University students’ career choice and emotional well-being M Zhou, Y Xu Journal of Educational and Social Research 3 (7), 243-248, 2013 | 24 | 2013 |
Efficient mining of extraordinary patterns by pruning and predicting J Liu, Z Chang, CKS Leung, RCW Wong, Y Xu, R Zhao Expert Systems with Applications 125, 55-68, 2019 | 22 | 2019 |
Anonymizing temporal data K Wang, Y Xu, RCW Wong, AWC Fu 2010 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 1109-1114, 2010 | 22 | 2010 |
Privacy-preserving data stream classification Y Xu, K Wang, AWC Fu, R She, J Pei Privacy-Preserving Data Mining: Models and Algorithms, 487-510, 2008 | 22 | 2008 |
A Simple and Effective Unsupervised Word Segmentation Approach S Chen, Y Xu, H Chang Twenty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2011 | 20 | 2011 |
外源亚精胺对槐叶苹耐镉胁迫的增强效应 徐勤松, 施国新, 王红霞, 杨海燕, 赵娟, 许晔 应用生态学报 19 (11), 2521, 2008 | 17 | 2008 |
A privacy-enhancing model for location-based personalized recommendations J Huang, J Qi, Y Xu, J Chen Distributed and Parallel Databases 33, 253-276, 2015 | 13 | 2015 |