Kevin S. White
Kevin S. White
Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Потвърден имейл адрес: alaska.gov
2016 Guidelines of the American Society of Mammalogists for the use of wild mammals in research and education
RS Sikes, ...
Journal of mammalogy 97 (3), 663-688, 2016
Demonstration of ignition radiation temperatures in indirect-drive inertial confinement fusion hohlraums
SH Glenzer, BJ MacGowan, NB Meezan, PA Adams, JB Alfonso, ET Alger, ...
Physical review letters 106 (8), 085004, 2011
Antipredator strategies of Alaskan moose: are maternal trade-offs influenced by offspring activity?
KS White, J Berger
Canadian Journal of Zoology 79 (11), 2055-2062, 2001
Habitat selection predicts genetic relatedness in an alpine ungulate
ABA Shafer, JM Northrup, KS White, MS Boyce, SD Côté, DW Coltman
Ecology 93 (6), 1317-1329, 2012
Benefits of migration in relation to nutritional condition and predation risk in a partially migratory moose population
KS White, NL Barten, S Crouse, J Crouse
Ecology 95 (1), 225-237, 2014
Projecting the future of an alpine ungulate under climate change scenarios
KS White, DP Gregovich, T Levi
Global change biology 24 (3), 1136-1149, 2018
Mountain goat survival in coastal Alaska: effects of age, sex, and climate
KS White, GW Pendleton, D Crowley, HJ Griese, KJ Hundertmark, ...
The Journal of wildlife management 75 (8), 1731-1744, 2011
Effects of snow on Sitka black‐tailed deer browse availability and nutritional carrying capacity in southeastern Alaska
KS White, GW Pendleton, E Hood
The Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (4), 481-487, 2009
Behavioral and ecologic effects of differential predation pressure on moose in Alaska
KS White, JW Testa, J Berger
Journal of Mammalogy 82 (2), 422-429, 2001
Community ecology and conservation of bear-salmon ecosystems
T Levi, GV Hilderbrand, MD Hocking, TP Quinn, KS White, MS Adams, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8, 513304, 2020
Space, time and captivity: quantifying the factors influencing the fecal microbiome of an alpine ungulate
SE Haworth, KS White, SD Côté, ABA Shafer
FEMS microbiology ecology 95 (7), fiz095, 2019
Mountain goat resource selection in relation to mining‐related disturbance
KS White, DP Gregovich
Wildlife Biology 2017 (1), 1-12, 2017
Moose (Alces alces) hunters subsidize the scavenger community in Alaska
DJR Lafferty, ZG Loman, KS White, AT Morzillo, JL Belant
Polar Biology 39, 639-647, 2016
Salmon‐supported bears, seed dispersal, and extensive resource subsidies to granivores
YN Shakeri, KS White, T Levi
Ecosphere 9 (6), e02297, 2018
Seasonal and sex-specific variation in terrain use and movement patterns of mountain goats in southeastern Alaska
KS White
Biennial Symposium of the Northern Wild Sheep and Goat Council 15, 183-193, 2006
Staying close to home: Ecological constraints on space use and range fidelity in a mountain ungulate
YN Shakeri, KS White, JN Waite
Ecology and Evolution 11 (16), 11051-11064, 2021
Predation by Wolves, Canis lupus, on Wolverines, Gulo gulo, and American Marten, Martes americana, in Alaska.
KS White, HN Golden, KJ Hundertmark, GR Lee
Canadian Field-Naturalist 116 (1), 2002
Moose population ecology and habitat use along the Juneau Access road corridor, Alaska
KS White, DP Gregovich, NL Barten, R Scott
Research Final Report. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Juneau, AK, 2012
Comparison of fledging success and sizes of prey consumed by spotted owls in northwestern California
K White
Journal of Raptor Research 30, 234-236, 1996
Prey preferences of modern human hunter-gatherers
CK Bugir, CA Peres, KS White, RA Montgomery, AS Griffin, P Rippon, ...
Food Webs 26, e00183, 2021
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