Quantum phase transition in a single-molecule quantum dot N Roch, S Florens, V Bouchiat, W Wernsdorfer, F Balestro
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Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (3), 035114, 2004
329 2004 Mott Transition and Transport Crossovers in the Organic Compound P Limelette, P Wzietek, S Florens, A Georges, TA Costi, C Pasquier, ...
Physical review letters 91 (1), 016401, 2003
326 2003 Self-consistent description of Andreev bound states in Josephson quantum dot devices T Meng, S Florens, P Simon
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (22), 224521, 2009
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Physical review letters 103 (19), 197202, 2009
150 2009 Spectroscopic Signatures of a Bandwidth-Controlled Mott Transition at the Surface <?format ?>of L Perfetti, A Georges, S Florens, S Biermann, S Mitrovic, H Berger, ...
Physical review letters 90 (16), 166401, 2003
128 2003 First-Order Quantum Phase Transition in the Kondo Regime <?format ?>of a Superconducting Carbon-Nanotube Quantum Dot R Maurand, T Meng, E Bonet, S Florens, L Marty, W Wernsdorfer
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83 2013 Generalized multipolaron expansion for the spin-boson model: Environmental entanglement and the biased two-state system S Bera, A Nazir, AW Chin, HU Baranger, S Florens
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81 2014 Universal transport signatures in two-electron molecular quantum dots: gate-tunable Hund’s rule, underscreened Kondo effect and quantum phase transitions S Florens, A Freyn, N Roch, W Wernsdorfer, F Balestro, P Roura-Bas, ...
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71 2018 Reconstructing nonequilibrium regimes of quantum many-body systems from the analytical structure of perturbative expansions C Bertrand, S Florens, O Parcollet, X Waintal
Physical Review X 9 (4), 041008, 2019
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61 2019 Interplay of the Kondo Effect and Strong Spin-Orbit Coupling<? format?> in Multihole Ultraclean Carbon Nanotubes JP Cleuziou, NV N’Guyen, S Florens, W Wernsdorfer
Physical review letters 111 (13), 136803, 2013
52 2013 Robust nodal structure of Landau level wave functions revealed by Fourier transform scanning tunneling spectroscopy K Hashimoto, T Champel, S Florens, C Sohrmann, J Wiebe, Y Hirayama, ...
Physical Review Letters 109 (11), 116805, 2012
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