Muhammad Rizwan Asghar
Muhammad Rizwan Asghar
University of Surrey, University of Auckland
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Smart Meter Data Privacy: A Survey
MR Asghar, G Dán, D Miorandi, I Chlamtac
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2017
Cybersecurity in Industrial Control Systems: Issues, Technologies, and Challenges
MR Asghar, Q Hu, S Zeadally
Computer Networks, 2019
Adversarial Machine Learning for Network Intrusion Detection Systems: A Comprehensive Survey
K He, DD Kim, MR Asghar
IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 2023
A Survey on Routing in Anonymous Communication Protocols
F Shirazi, M Simeonovski, MR Asghar, M Backes, C Diaz
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 51 (3), 1-39, 2018
Security and Privacy in Vehicular Communications: Challenges and Opportunities
C Bernardini, MR Asghar, B Crispo
Vehicular Communications, 2017
Tweet4act: Using Incident-Specific Profiles for Classifying Crisis-Related Messages
S Roy Chowdhury, M Imran, MR Asghar, S Amer-Yahia, C Castillo
International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and …, 2013
Global Perspectives on Cybersecurity Education for 2030: A Case for a Meta-discipline
A Parrish, J Impagliazzo, RK Raj, H Santos, MR Asghar, A Jøsang, ...
Proceedings Companion of the 23rd Annual ACM Conference on Innovation and …, 2018
Semantic Communications between Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems towards Collaborative Automation for Smart Manufacturing
Y Lu, MR Asghar
Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2020
Supporting Complex Queries and Access Policies for Multi-user Encrypted Databases
MR Asghar, G Russello, B Crispo, M Ion
CCSW, 2013
Black Box Attacks on Deep Anomaly Detectors
A Kuppa, S Grzonkowski, MR Asghar, NA Lekhac
International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES), 2019
Securing Data Provenance in the Cloud
MR Asghar, M Ion, G Russello, B Crispo
Open Problems in Network Security: IFIP WG 11.4 International Workshop …, 2012
MedBloc: A Blockchain-based Secure EHR System for Sharing and Accessing Medical Data
J Huang, Y Qi, MR Asghar, A Meads, YC Tu
The 18th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In …, 2019
Technologies and Solutions for Location-Based Services in Smart Cities: Past, Present, and Future
M Usman, MR Asghar, IS Ansari, F Granelli, K Qaraqe
IEEE Access, 2018
Security in Wireless Body Area Networks: From In-Body to Off-Body Communications
M Usman, MR Asghar, IS Ansari, M Qaraqe
IEEE Access, 2018
Mitigating DDoS Attacks in SDN-Based IoT Networks Leveraging Secure Control and Data Plane Algorithm
S Wang, K Gomez, K Sithamparanathan, MR Asgahr, G Russello, ...
Applied Sciences, 2021
Analysing Performance Issues of Open-source Intrusion Detection Systems in High-speed Networks
Q Hu, SY Yu, MR Asghar
Journal of Information Security and Applications (JISA), 2020
A Review of Privacy and Consent Management in Healthcare: A Focus on Emerging Data Sources
MR Asghar, TH Lee, MM Baig, E Ullah, G Russello, G Dobbie
The 13th IEEE International Conference on eScience - Safe Data Workshop, 2017
Towards Blockchain-based Scalable and Trustworthy File Sharing
S Cui, MR Asghar, G Russello
The 27th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks …, 2018
PrivICN: Privacy-Preserving Content Retrieval in Information-Centric Networking
C Bernardini, S Marchal, MR Asghar, B Crispo
Computer Networks, 2019
Detecting Flooding DDoS Attacks in Software Defined Networks Using Supervised Learning Techniques
S Wang, JF Balarezoa, KG Chaveza, A Al-Hourania, S Kandeepana, ...
Engineering Science and Technology,an International Journal, 2022
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