Sheila Webber
Cited by
Cited by
Information literacy in higher education: a review and case study
B Johnston, S Webber
Studies in higher education 28 (3), 335-352, 2003
Conceptions of information literacy: new perspectives and implications
S Webber, B Johnston
Journal of information science 26 (6), 381-397, 2000
A phenomenographic study of English faculty's conceptions of information literacy
S Boon, B Johnston, S Webber
Journal of documentation 63 (2), 204-228, 2007
As we may think: Information literacy as a discipline for the information age
B Johnston, S Webber
Research strategies 20 (3), 108-121, 2005
IL bibliography
C Bruce, S Edwards, D Lupton, B Johnston, S Webber, F Marton, S Boon, ...
New Review of Information and Library Research 3, 1-22, 1997
Blended university teaching using virtual learning environments: conceptions and approaches
P Lameras, P Levy, I Paraskakis, S Webber
Instructional Science 40, 141-157, 2012
A comparison of UK academics’ conceptions of information literacy in two disciplines: English and Marketing
S Webber, S Boon, B Johnston
Library and information research 29 (93), 4-15, 2005
Alfabetización en información: la definición de CLIP (UK)
D Boden, M Woolley, C Armstrong, JS Webber, A Abell
Boletín de la Asociación Andaluza de Bibliotecarios 19 (77), 79-84, 2004
Working towards the information literate university
S Webber, B Johnston
Information literacy: recognising the need 17, 47-58, 2006
Information science in 2003: A critique
S Webber
Journal of Information Science 29 (4), 311-330, 2003
CILIP defines Information Literacy for the UK
C Armstrong, D Boden, S Town, M Woolley, S Webber, A Abell
Library and information update 4 (1), 22-25, 2005
Playing video games: Learning and information literacy
S Gumulak, S Webber
Aslib Proceedings 63 (2/3), 241-255, 2011
Information literacy: Conceptions, context and the formation of a discipline
SA Webber, B Johnston
Journal of Information Literacy 11 (1), 156-183, 2017
The role of LIS faculty in the information literate university: taking over the academy?
B Johnston, S Webber
New Library World 105 (1/2), 12-20, 2004
Educational informatics: an emerging research agenda
P Levy, N Ford, J Foster, A Madden, D Miller, MB Nunes, M McPherson, ...
Journal of Information Science 29 (4), 298-310, 2003
Information literacy and learning
S Virkus, AJ Boekhorst, JA Gómez-Hernández, A Skov
European Curriculum Reflections on Library and Information Science Education …, 2005
Cómo podríamos pensar: alfabetización informacional como una disciplina de la era de la información.
B Johnston, S Webber
Anales de documentación 10, 491-504, 2007
Information literacy: definitions and models
S Webber, B Johnston
Retrieved on June 27, 2007, 2003
Loss of faith in the origins of information literacy in e-environments: Proposal of a holistic approach
M Nazari, S Webber
Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 2012
Transforming information literacy for higher education in the 21st century: A lifelong learning approach
S Webber, B Johnston
Developing people’s information capabilities: Fostering information literacy …, 2014
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