Georgi Chernev
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Cited by
Sol–gel synthesis and structure of silica hybrid biomaterials
B Samuneva, P Djambaski, E Kashchieva, G Chernev, L Kabaivanova, ...
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 354 (2-9), 733-740, 2008
Sol–gel synthesis and structure of silica hybrid materials
B Samuneva, L Kabaivanova, G Chernev, P Djambaski, E Kashchieva, ...
Journal of sol-gel science and technology 48, 73-79, 2008
Sol–gel silica hybrid biomaterials for application in biodegradation of toxic compounds
G Chernev, N Rangelova, P Djambazki, S Nenkova, I Salvado, ...
Journal of sol-gel science and technology 58, 619-624, 2011
Synthesis and properties of sulphoferrite calcium clinkers and low temperature cements on their basis
V Makhmudova, M Iskandarova, Y Ivanova, G Chernev, N Ruziev
Journal of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy 46 (2), 151-154, 2011
Silica-carrageenan hybrids used for cell immobilization realizing high-temperature degradation of nitrile substrates
L Kabaivanova, G Chernev, I Miranda Salvado, M Fernandes
Open Chemistry 9 (2), 232-239, 2011
Structure and properties of functionalized porous silica hybrid materials
EV Todorova, GE Chernev, SP Djambazov
Open Journal of Inorganic Non-Metallic Materials 2014, 2014
Preparation and antioxidant properties of biomass low molecular phenolic compounds
S Nenkova, T Radoykova, K Stanulov
Journal of the University of Chemical Technology & Metallurgy 46 (2), 2011
Silica hybrid nanocomposites
G Chernev, B Samuneva, P Djambaski, I Salvado, H Fernandes
Open Chemistry 4 (1), 81-91, 2006
Effect of Ag+, Cu2+ and Zn2+ containing hybrid nanomatrixes on the green algae Chlorella keissleri
J Ivanova, T Toncheva-Panova, G Chernev, B Samuneva
General and Applied Plant Physiology 34, 339-346, 2008
Sol-gel nanomaterials with algal heteropolysaccharide for immobilization of microbial cells, producing a-galactosidase and nitrilase
P Djambaski, P Aleksieva, E Emanuilova, G Chernev, D Spasova, ...
Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 23 (2), 1270-1274, 2009
Effect of heavy metals on the green alga Scenedesmus incrassatulus
G Marinova, J Ivanova, P Pilarski, G Chernev, G Chaneva
Oxidation Communications 41 (2), 318-328, 2018
Enhancement of xylanase production by sol-gel immobilization of Aspergillus awamori K-1
M Yordanova, Y Evstatieva, G Chernev, S Ilieva, R Denkova, D Nikolova
Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 19 (2), 117-119, 2013
Influence of the pozzolanic additives trass and zeolite on cement properties
A Yoleva, S Djambazov, G Chernev
Journal of the University of Chemical technology and metallurgy 46 (3), 261-266, 2011
Incorporation of Synechocystis Salina in Hybrid Matrices. Effect of UV-B Radiation on the Copper and Cadmium Biosorption
T Toncheva-Panova, I Pouneva, G Chernev, K Minkova
Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 24 (3), 1946-1949, 2010
Influence of metakaolinite and stone flour on the properties of selfcompacting concrete
E Todorova, G Chernev, P Markov
Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy 48 (2), 196-201, 2013
Sol–gel immobilization as a suitable technique for enhancement of α-amylase activity of Aspergillus oryzae PP
Y Evstatieva, M Yordanova, G Chernev, Y Ruseva, D Nikolova
Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 28 (4), 728-732, 2014
Silica hybrid biomaterials containing gelatin synthesized by sol-gel method
GE Chernev, BV Borisova, LV Kabaivanova, IM Salvado
Central European Journal of Chemistry 8, 870-876, 2010
Structure and properties of innovative silica hybrid materials synthesized for environmental applications
E Todorova, G Chernev, N Okolie, IM Salvado
Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 29 (sup1), S44-S51, 2015
Silica nanocomposites containing polyacrilamide gel
G Chernev, B Samuneva, P Djambaski
Glass technology 46 (2), 175-178, 2005
Synthesis and structure of sol-gel silica-polysacharide hybrids.
G Chernev, E Todorova, S Djambazov, IMM Salvado, J Ivanova
Journal of Chemical Technology & Metallurgy 49 (2), 2014
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Articles 1–20